A dog obliviously breathing his bad breath on his owner who wants to gag.

Five Tips To Battle Your Dog’s Bad Breath

We all love our dogs. They’re loyal, playful, sweet, and precious, but sometimes their breath is just downright horrific! It seems that no matter how much you try, they smell like they've eaten right out of the trashcan. Here are five tips on how to battle your pup’s halitosis so you can live in harmony with your pet.

  • Buy A Toothbrush

    Most dogs don’t enjoy having their teeth brushed, but it’s a must. You can buy a special doggy toothbrush and toothpaste to keep your furry friend’s mouth stink-free, but we recommend tag-teaming tooth brushing time with a friend. You may need help holding your dog while you brush his teeth. It’s not an easy task, but it may prevent the need for expensive dental work in the long run.

  • Treats For In Between

    In between brushings, you can give your pup dental dog treats to help keep plaque at bay. Most dogs actually enjoy these treats, so you won’t have to go through what you went through with the toothbrush. Make sure your pet has access to fresh water as well. Water keeps bacteria from settling in your dog’s mouth, which is a major contributor to your canine’s death breath.

  • Parsley For Pups

    Parsley is a natural bad-breath cure. Sprinkle some over your dog’s dry food to naturally freshen her doggy breath. The leaves of the parsley plant are the most effective for getting rid of bad breath. If your dog won’t eat it, you can blend it with water and add a couple tablespoons to your dog’s water bowl. You don’t need very much for it to be effective, and most dogs like how it tastes.

  • No Table Scraps

    Table scraps are not only bad for your pup’s tummy and digestion, but they’re also a big contributor to bad breath. Bad breath is not only a result of bacteria in your dog’s mouth, but is also affected by your dog’s stomach contents. If they eat table scraps or trash, their breath will be bad.

  • Probiotics Can Help

    Foods containing probiotics are also helpful in eliminating halitosis because they help your dog develop good bacteria to combat the bad bacteria that cause bad breath. Probiotics are also good for your dog’s digestion and overall health, so kill two birds with one stone and buy probiotic treats for you pup. You can also mix healthy foods that contain probiotics, such as cottage cheese or yogurt, into your dog’s diet.

Last Updated: March 28, 2016