Woman diagnosed with depression smiling

Living With Depression: 10 Tips For a Positive Day

Living with depression means that some days are going to be better than others. If you struggle with depression, here are a few things you can do to lift your spirits, even on days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed. While these tips are no substitute for medication and/or therapy, you may find that they make your alright days into days you actually enjoy. Making changes in your life, even small ones, is difficult, but these will make a big difference in your overall happiness. 

  1. Exercise.
    It can be as simple as taking your dog for a walk around the block or participating in a beginner’s yoga class. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to release endorphins (happy hormones!). Even if you don’t like to exercise, there’s sure to be some kind of activity that you don’t mind, and if it helps, recruit a friend to join you.

  2. Keep up your favorite activities.
    Even if you don’t enjoy these activities right now, it is important to keep doing them, even for just a brief period each day. You never know when you may start enjoying them again, so if you used to love to cook, make yourself a simple French toast breakfast in the morning. What you love makes you who you are, so don’t lose hope that you won’t ever love these activities again.

  3. Talk to loved ones.
    Sometimes all you need is to just talk it out or cry it out. Communicating your feelings with someone who cares about you can help you cope when you’re having a bad day, and can lift your spirits even more when you share details of a good day. Your friends and family will be there for you no matter what, so give them a call when you need them and even when you don’t, .

  4. Eat well.
    Many people living with depression experience a change in appetite, so it’s essential to make sure that you are eating a healthy amount of food each day. If you have trouble keeping track, download a meal tracking app, such as MyFitnessPal, to record your food intake. Try to consume mostly healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, but also remember to treat yourself to ice cream or any other favorite treat every once in a while!

  5. Keep a routine.
    Knowing what you are doing each day can keep you calm and content, even if something else goes wrong during your day. So, wake up at the same time each day, sip a cup of coffee on the back porch, go for a morning walk, etc., and do it every single day. At the very least, if you’re having a bad day, you can still look forward to and enjoy your set routine. 

  6. Schedule relaxation time.
    It sounds odd to schedule time to relax, but when you get caught up in a busy day, it’s easy to forget. Choose one or two activities a day that help de-stress you, like reading a book in your favorite chair, taking a nap in your hammock, or watching a few episodes of your favorite sitcom. You’d be surprised at the difference just an hour of relaxation makes for your whole day.

  7. Get the right amount of sleep.
    Too much or too little sleep can throw off your entire day and can contribute to your feelings of fatigue and depression. The best way to keep up your sleep schedule is to go to bed at the same time each night, even if you're not tired. Eventually, your body will grow accustomed to this routine, and you’ll be asleep before your head hits the pillow.

  8. Express yourself creatively.
    Everyone needs a creative outlet. Expressing yourself through painting, writing, music, or any other creative activity can help you articulate your feelings, and once you gain some skill in that field, it will be a real confidence-booster. If you want to learn how to do something, like play an instrument or crochet, take a class with a friend (this can also count as relaxation time). 

  9. Limit work obligations.
    If possible, try to limit your work commitments because they can add even more stress to your day. Speak with your employer and see if your work schedule can be flexible, or if it would be possible for you to work from home sometimes. Any good employer will understand your predicament and will do anything they can to help you.

  10. Go easy on yourself.
    Some people living with depression set impossibly high standards for themselves, then experience negative feelings when they fall short. End this cycle and treat yourself with the same amount of love and respect that you would show to a family member instead of criticizing yourself when you make a mistake. Take it one day at a time and remember that nobody’s perfect, and even more importantly, that you are strong. 

Last Updated: August 31, 2015