Clothing You Never Wear

Men, women, it doesn’t matter, we all do it. We all buy way more clothes than we need. Everything looks good at the time you are buying it but when it comes to actually wearing it - you may never actually end up putting it on, and if you do, on rare occasions. But there comes a time when enough is enough.
If you aren’t going to wear it, give it away or throw it away, because it’s just taking up space in your closet. If you made a mistake and bought something you really didn’t like, there’s no sense in it cluttering up your closet space. Just own up to that fact and maybe give to someone that will enjoy it. You can even call it a gift if you like.
Air Fryers

Oh yeah, we are going there. Air fryers are the latest food trend of the last 10 years but let’s face it: it won’t be here in another 10. It’s just a fad and you are only forcing yourself to use it in the first place. After all, you can only make snacks with it or otherwise have to make multiple batches of “fried foods” to feed your guests.
If you have an air fryer, we are afraid to tell you, that all you have on your hands is an easy-bake convection oven for adults. It gets as hot as an oven, and like a convection oven, it’s got a fan. If you have a convection oven already, you definitely have no business buying one. Why waste your money cleaning out another appliance and why waste the countertop space?
Tupperware Without Lids

Yes, it happens to everyone. Sometimes you just lose the lids from your Tupperware sets and nobody really knows where they go – but probably the same thing where you’d find all the baby socks and Steve Guttenberg’s career. But I digress, those lids are gone, and they are never coming back (just like dad). Throw the Tupperware without lids away and you’ll be surprised just how much space you have left in your kitchen cabinets.
Those lids are gone, and they are never coming back (just like dad). Tupperware easily takes up a lot of space where you could be keeping dishes or stuff that’s cluttering your countertops. Tupperware literally has no use if you have no lid for it. The lid is half the point.
Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes. We all have these because we all shop online. Keeping a few, here and there, is fine in case you like to need to return something or ship something. Keeping them all, however, is just taking up space in the closet, garage, bedroom or wherever else you have them. You are never going to use all those boxes.
Some people even keep cardboard boxes from stuff food was in, like those boxes they hand out at Costco to help load things into your car easier - and you especially don’t need those. Just throw away the boxes. There’s no shortage of boxes and you are never going to stop getting boxes because you are never going to stop buying things.
Bread Machine

The bread machine is another gimmick that you just don’t need. It's an appliance that you will use maybe twice or three times and never use again. And you can only make bread in it that’s the same exact shape every time. You don’t knead a bread machine to make bread. You can just use your regular oven.
Worse than that, however, is the fact that bread machines are massive. They take up so much space on your counter that you have to store them somewhere else and having to store them somewhere else means that you are never going to use it. So, if you want to make bread, just put some back into it and knead the dough yourself.
Quesadilla Maker

And talk about another useless appliance, sweet lord, is a quesadilla maker the most useless of all. Take something that is literally the easiest thing you could make for dinner and actually end up making it more complicated by having to take something out of your cabinets and plug it in.
Making a quesadilla in a pan takes just minutes and cleanup is super easy. You are just dealing with a tortilla and cheese that you have to melt between it. There’s no rocket science involved, and the quesadilla maker is just more difficult to clean. Why on earth would you want that? Save some space in your kitchen and throw it away. Don’t even give it away because you aren’t doing anyone any favors.
Expired Food

Food that’s expired or about to expire – it’s about time to throw it away. If you haven’t used it yet, you are never going to use it now. Rummage through your cabinets now and you’ll be surprised how much expired food is in there. You can force yourself to use it sure, as to not be wasteful, but then if you are going to do that, you’d better do it right now.
Yes, right now. If you don’t make something out of that food that just expired or is about to, then you know that you won’t. You’ll forget about it, just like the time you spotted it in your cabinet before and told yourself, “I need to use that soon.” Maybe you did, but now that time has passed. Move on, and throw it away.
Books You'll Never Read

Yes, we all love books and accumulating them certainly sounds like a good idea because it makes us look smart and most assuredly we’ll get to them sooner or later? Wrong. You won’t. You’ll just have books sitting on a shelf and many of them will go unread and take up space.
You need to seriously go through those books, particularly ones you’ve already read and consider the fact that you probably won’t read them again, and some books that you might never read for the first time. We know it might be hard but show some willpower and save space in your home.
Junk Mail

Throw it away as soon as you get it. If there are coupons in there that you might use. Sure, pull those out. Coupons that you think you might use – throw those away. The rest of the stuff is just advertisements that you don’t need. It’s all garbage. Do not hold onto it!
Some people hold onto their junk mail and I can’t figure out for the life of me why that is. That is for sure causing clutter and taking up space. And let’s include in here old newspapers and old magazines you are holding onto. Just because you paid for those things, doesn’t make them any less useless to you now.
Empty Bottles and Jars

Like cardboard boxes, there’s no sense in keeping old bottles and jars. Some people collect old liquor bottles because they like the look of them but how often are you going to stare at an empty liquor bottle? Don’t answer that; it’s a rhetorical question. You don’t need the bottle. Throw it away.
Sure, jars can be useful. But you don’t need all of the jars from every jar of tomato sauce that you purchased. You’ll keep getting those, again and again. If you keep them all, you are depriving your cabinets of space you need. Don’t hoard bottles and jars. There’s no point.
Expired Toiletries

Expired toiletries are yet another thing you won’t use. Any old toiletries for that matter are best thrown away. If you discovered a new shampoo or body wash you love, then you aren’t likely to go back to the old stuff. Just because you have a some of the old stuff left, doesn’t mean you need to hang on to it.
Take it from me, you are more likely to order rush shipping or drive to the store for the toiletries you’ve been using than you are to go back to what you were using before, in case you were thinking about having them “in case of emergency.” The quality of expired toiletries can be degraded significantly over time.
Obsolete Technology

Old technology - like we said with toiletries, you aren’t likely to go back to what you were using before. Okay, sure, some people play on old video game systems but at least those offer something you can’t get on a newer console, that something being the kinds of games you can’t play on newer consoles. However, obsolete technology offers you nothing but clutter.
There’s no reason to hang onto old computer parts or a VCR or an old cell phone. You are never going to use those things and they are just taking up space in your closet, basement or garage. If you are feeling nostalgic or sentimental about some of this old technology – just don’t. They are just things. Take a photograph and call it a day.

The Roomba seemed like a great idea when it came out like 20 years ago but they really haven’t taken off because they aren’t that practical. They don’t actually do a good job vacuuming your home. They can’t reach corners and their suction isn’t that great. All it can really do is pick up large food particles and particles on the surface that you can see with your human eye.
Vacuuming with a regular vacuum is still very much required in keeping a clean home. And with that said, we asking you what good is a Roomba other than to say that you have a robot in your home. And as a robot, it’s really dumb and not really that impressive at all. Its another thing taking up space in your home and something you just have to worry about your kids messing with or you stepping on.
Craft Supplies

Craft supplies. Yeah, it’s nice to do some crafts sometimes. Maybe you saw something Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg made together or maybe you saw something on HGTV, you really wanted to try and make for yourself. And you even buy the stuff for it!
But then you set it down, and days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, and then months into years, and you forget why you even bought that stuff in the first place. The craft supplies are just causing clutter and it’s time to get rid of it. Your wallet has recovered by now, so don’t feel bad about getting rid of it.

Knickknacks. They are something you are going to enjoy at around the time of purchase and you might look at them for a while. But then, eventually, you will stop looking at them. You won’t pay attention to them, and they’ll just be sitting there taking up space in your home.
Moreover, knickknacks are just serving no purpose to you whatsoever and nobody is going to care about them but you. Most of the time, your guests won’t even be paying much attention to them unless you specifically point them out. When it comes to knickknacks, there’s no right way to have them in your home without cheapening the whole look of it.
Expired Medications

If your medicine cabinet seems like it’s always overflowing, you may want to take some time to free up space by tossing any expired medications you might still have lingering around. Their best days are long behind them, and you’re not doing yourself any favors keeping them around.
In addition to taking up unnecessary space, expired medication is not actually doing much to help cure what ails you. While medicines like Tylenol and aspirin don’t go bad in the same way foods do, their potency is reduced if you use them after their expiration date.
Throw Pillows

Has anyone ever actually looked around their home and thought, “This place could use more throw pillows.”? If you’re anything like us, probably not! Throw pillows can help spruce up your sofa or bed, but some people take it to ridiculous lengths and end up with too much of a good thing.
If you have to spend five minutes tossing throw pillows before you can crawl into bed, you officially have too many! For those who can’t bear to part with their precious throw pillows, at the very least toss the ones that are stained or visibly damaged to free up a little extra space.
Old/Damaged Pots and Pans

Most people severely overestimate the number of pots and pans they need to hold on to—and we’re guilty of this as well! If you’re a frequent cook, obviously you’ll need some, but we suspect that you may have some pots and pans that have seen better days and need to be retired for good.
That no-stick pan that’s been scuffed up beyond recognition? It’s time to toss it! And that goes double for any pots that are missing their lids. Sometimes you’ve got to work with what you’ve got, but if you’ve got a mix of high quality and damaged pots and pans, go ahead and toss the weak links.
Plastic Grocery Bags

There are lots of things that divide humans, but there’s one thing that brings us all together—we’ve all got a constantly growing stash of plastic grocery bags in a drawer or cabinet that never actually get used. It’s a complete mystery, but you know exactly what we’re talking about!
Whether you were planning on making them DIY trash bags or something else, we promise that you’ll feel much better once you finally toss them and reclaim the space they were taking up. Grocery bags are by no means a rarity, so it makes no sense to hold on to tons of them.
Almost-Used Candles

If you’re a candle lover, you’ve probably got plenty of them scattered around the house. And we bet that more than a few of them are almost spent. You know the ones—they’re not burned enough to throw away, but they’ve got maybe 30 minutes to an hour of life left in them.
If you want to get all crafty, you could in theory melt down these nubs and combine them into one big mix-n-match candle, but let’s be honest—who has the time to do that? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with just giving them the toss and freeing up lots of shelf and table space.
Take Out Extras

Most people have enough plastic silverware and condiments from take-out orders that they could open a restaurant themselves! You might think that holding on to every last napkin and ketchup packet will save money over time, but that’s not always the case.
If all those restaurant freebies are just piling up unused in a kitchen drawer, then you’re not saving any money at all! It’s probably best to just toss them all to make room for more important things. Be honest—if you haven’t touched your Taco Bell sauce collection in years, are you really ever going to use it?
Out-of-Date Spices

Cooking with out-of-date chicken could land you in the hospital, and while cooking with out-of-date spices isn’t as life or death as that, they could still leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. Go ahead and check the expiration date on that bottle of garlic powder chilling in the back of the cupboard and give it a toss if it’s old.
While spices don’t go bad in the same sense that other foods go bad, using expired spices can still be a problem. They lose their flavor over time, which means that if you’re cooking with old spices, your meals aren’t as tasty as they could be. It’s time to clean out the spice rack!
Old Makeup

Using old makeup could be a disaster, or, if you’re really unlucky, it could be a nightmare. There are several reasons you should always toss makeup when it expires, but the biggest reason is that it’s just wasting space in your makeup bag that could be occupied by fresh products.
As makeup ages, its quality deteriorates. That means the ruby red stick of lipstick you bought two years ago is probably a gross rust-red by this point! You should especially throw away old products that have previously been opened, as these can harbor bacteria that can cause serious skin conditions.
Old/Mismatched Bed Sheets

We get it—high-quality bed sheets can be expensive, so we absolutely understand why people would continue to use old and mismatched ones on their beds. However, if you’ve got the money to do something about your busted bedding, you absolutely should!
Most people don’t need a ton of sheets, so if you’ve got twenty sets and half of them have holes or stains, there’s no reason to keep them around. Pare your collection down to just your comfiest and best-looking sheets and you’ll open up some valuable shelf space in your linen closet.
Expired Batteries

These days, most of our gadgets are powered by chargeable batteries. So, it seems as if the disposable battery may be going the way of the dinosaurs. But they’re not completely obsolete yet, which means many of us have a growing pile of assorted batteries just hanging out in the junk drawer.
All those old batteries are, first and foremost, taking up space that they don’t deserve. But there’s another reason to clean out your collection too—as they age, batteries begin to corrode, and, given enough time, those batteries will begin to leak acid that can cause injury or damage to your home.
Old Towels

There is absolutely a time and place for using old towels. Obviously, you don’t want to be cleaning up any spills with that new gorgeous set you just spent hundreds of dollars on. That being said, there is a limit to how many old towels you need lying around the linen closet.
A good rule of thumb is to keep one or two old, ratty ones for big messes and then toss everything else that you don’t absolutely love using. Old towels may not be the biggest waste of space in your home, but you’ll definitely be glad when they’re gone!
Cheap Jewelry

We understand why people love cheap, costume jewelry. Unless you’re a die-hard jeweler, these pieces still look great but cost a fraction of what real gold, diamonds, or jewels would cost you. But some people can definitely take things too far when it comes to hoarding cheap jewelry.
If you can’t keep track of all the jewelry you’ve bought, you officially have too much and some should go. Costume jewelry might be cheap and plentiful, but you’ll probably be happier with your collection if you restrict it to a few, high-quality pieces.
Plastic Restaurant Cups

Many restaurants have really upped their to-go cup game over the years and have started offering more heavy-duty, washable cups for patrons. But just because you can keep and reuse those plastic cups doesn’t mean you actually should do that! They don’t deserve the space you’re wasting on them in the kitchen cabinet.
While they may last longer than styrofoam cups, these plastic ones aren’t eternal—they inevitably get warped in the dishwasher and never get used again. Glassware is the way to go when it comes to both longevity and looking great. If you really miss your favorite plastic cup, you can always dine out again and get a new one!
Old Purses

How many purses are too many purses? For some people, the answer to that is that you can never have too many! However, that’s just not true. If you’re a big purse user, we imagine that you have a few gathering dust in your closet that haven’t seen use for a while.
While you don’t have to decimate your entire purse collection, it’s time to say goodbye to the oldest and most damaged among them. If a purse is so beat up that you don’t want to be seen with it, there’s no reason to keep it around any longer.
Socks Missing a Match

Every year people lose countless single socks, leaving one without a match. And for some strange reason, we just can’t seem to get rid of them, even though it's been ages since we last saw it with its mate. Unless you’re facing an upcoming foot amputation, those single socks aren’t doing anything for you.
Those friendless socks are just taking up space in your dresser that could be used for something else. Now might also be a good time to go ahead and toss any pairs of socks that have holes or other damage too! Your feet will thank you in the long run.