cuvee whole coffee beans

4 New Jolts to Our Humdrum Coffee Addiction

National Coffee Day is just around the corner, and thankfully it falls on a weekend this year so we can fully take advantage of this "unofficial" holiday by curling up in a comfy chair at a local café and reading a good book.

If you're like us, your morning coffee routine can get a little stale. You make it to work and stumble into the kitchen like a zombie, reaching for the same old coffee you drink every other morning. It's there; it gets the job done. But it's nice to switch things up every once and a while. Try some of these coffee-based creations to add a jolt to your cup of Joe routine. And they can be enjoyed any time of year, not just on National Coffee Day!

1. Cuvée Coffee Whole Beans

Cuvee Coffee beans

We didn't even have to have a brew of Cuvée's Karmadillo Dark Espresso Blend whole bean coffee to feel the caffeine punch. Just smelling this bag of beans was enough to wake us up in the morning. But thank goodness we went ahead and brewed a cup because this great tasting dark roast has a wonderful flavor profile. If you're looking to experiment with something darker and stronger, this is a great place to start without ending up with a mouthful of bitter ash. Plus, it always helps that it kept us going all day.

2. Cuvée Coffee Nitro Cold Brew

Cuvee Coffee Cold Brew

More of a cold brew person? Cuvée has you covered there, too, with their nitrogen infused cold brew. The nitro gives a weighty texture and creamy feel while being non-dairy. You could stick with regular black coffee, but we suggest being a little adventurous and opting for the horchata flavor. The Latin flavor profile includes vanilla and cinnamon, making it the perfect early fall morning drink in the South. Because let's face it, we won't really get cold temperatures until nearly November.

3. Urban Remedy Java Shake

Urban Remedy

We've been a fan of Urban Remedy's meal replacement shakes for a while now, mostly because their products are organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, and contain plant-based protein. Now this one is a one-stop-shop for your morning breakfast and cup of coffee. Does your everyday coffee offer you 11g of protein per serving? We didn't think so. And this isn't one of those butter-based bulletproof coffees. All the fats in this great come from healthy nut sources!

4. Hail Merry Dark Chocolate Espresso Cups

Hail Merry Dark Chocolate Espresso

If you're wanting an afternoon pick-me-up, try one of Hail Merry's Dark Chocolate Espresso Cups. You'll get a little caffeine jolt to help you power through the rest of the day. Plus, they're gluten-free and vegan. Furthermore, they use natural ingredients and organic ones when possible. That's more than you can say for some other peanut butter cup brands... Getting your sweet tooth fix has never been such an easy decision.

Last Updated: November 13, 2018