Leaf Lights

Step aside pumpkin lights and make way for leaf lights. Sure, leaf lights won't give you those Halloween vibes, but with leaf lights, you can leave them up throughout the season. Leaf lights will fit in more seamlessly with your decor rather than dominate your entire look.
And you don't necessarily need to find strings of lights that already feature fixed leaves. You can simply purchase any style of string lights that you like and decorate them with some faux fall leaves. But we definitely wouldn't recommend putting real fallen leaves on your string lights unless you want to test out the response time of your local fire department.
Bird Houses

This porch decor should get you through most of the fall. Birdhouses and pumpkins are a minimalist approach that conveys all the positive vibes of the autumn season. While that birdhouse may not be functional for an actual bird, you probably wouldn't want it to be either unless you don't mind excessive chirping sounds.
Pumpkins can be purchased throughout the fall, but you'll probably want to stock up around Halloween time when they'll be the cheapest. And if you don't wait too long, you can turn those pumpkins into a pie just in time for Thanksgiving.

Continuing with the cozy look, pillows are a simple way to decorate your porch for the fall. You can easily find pillows with fall designs or look for fall-colored pillows if you want to be minimalist. Fall colors are your oranges, reds, yellows, and browns - all the colors of fall leaves.
Pillows will ensure you have a comfy place to rest your back as you take in all your beautiful fall decor, the fresh air, and all the natural beauty outside. And then, when you've had enough of that, you can binge-watch whatever you want on Netflix because it's your God-given right.
Black And White

For a minimalist approach, you can't go wrong with black and white decor on your porch. The contrast of black and white instantly exudes feelings of Halloween cheer while evoking all the spooky imagery that comes with it, whether that be ghosts and vampires, bats and skulls, Betelgeuse, or the dreaded grim reaper.
If you don't like to attract too much attention, Black and White porch decor will give your property a classy look that will keep you in the spirit of the season, reminding people you aren't too cool for school. Moreover, you don't have to sacrifice your exterior design to fit in for Halloween.
Just Chillin'

Why buy a boatload of decorations that you have to put away after a mere month when you can add just a few scary touches, like these skeletons? These skeletons provide another minimalist look that can generate laughs or scare, depending on the person. It begs the question, though: why are people afraid of skeletons?
Perhaps it's a reminder of our mortality? But I digress...
Just take your normal porch furniture and prop up a skeleton. It's that easy! Then, design your skeleton's attire to your heart's desire. There's no shortage of things you can do to make your home unique without going all-out Halloween extravaganza.
Scarecrow Party

If you don't want to scare the bejesus out of children on Halloween but don't care so much about crows, you can't go wrong with some cutesy scarecrows. And if you do want to scare people, you can probably find some spooky ones instead.
Personally, the cutesy scarecrow always reminds me of my grandmother and how she used to decorate. Scarecrows like these are friendly and welcoming to guests, and they can minimize the damage of your more intentionally frightening decor elements. The one thing that this scarecrow party is definitely missing: drinks.
Dying For Mums

This ought to at least be enough for someone to take a double-take, even if they don't scream. After all, it's not every day you see an arm rising out of a flower pot. "How did somebody get in there?" you may be wondering. But it's better not to question the logic of these things.
Halloween is not about logic. It's about fun. So, have fun with it! And while you are at it, throw some other body parts around your porch too! What's the worst that could happen, except maybe a few police reports? It's all part of the Halloween experience.
Unconventional Wreaths

When people think of wreaths, they usually think of Christmas, and those wreaths usually are usually like pine branches and maybe some Holly. It's the same year after year and, frankly, can get a little boring. It's becoming more and more common to find wreaths for other seasons, but you can also make your own.
One of the most common fall wreath designs makes use of twigs, but that's not the only way you can go with it. Here you can see a wreath put together with faux leaves that definitely conveys the idea of fall. It's unique without being too extra.

Another classic piece of farming equipment that can also function as a decor item is the wheelbarrow. Commonly people may fill their wheelbarrows with flowers, so you can easily do that with fall flowers. However, there's a heck of a lot more that you can do than just flowers.
For example, here, you have a wheelbarrow filled with hay, wheat, a sign, and pumpkins, among other things. But you can go completely in another direction and maybe fill it with some fake limbs or a skeleton, thereby frightening trick-or-treaters and maybe even your mother-in-law.
White And Gold

This one isn't scary, but it may fill you with dread once you are reminded of that white and gold dress that went viral. Or was it black and blue? I don't even remember the truth anymore. But that dress aside, white and gold work surprisingly well for the fall because they can brighten the look of your home in an otherwise dismal season.
It's easy to find benches, porch swings, shelves, and anything else you need, and it's okay if those things don't stay pristine-looking. Over time, they will age and develop a character. You can decorate your porch furniture with white pumpkins and flowers and add touches of gold elements as well. Just don't go overboard with the gold unless you are trying to bait Donald Trump.
Classic Witches

Hocus Pocus is a Halloween classic, and what better way to celebrate it than with some cute decor for the trick-or-treaters to enjoy? Something like this you can easily make yourself, which makes it a fun activity to keep you in the spirit of the spooky season. And chances are, you'll be able to conjure something much more durable than anything you could buy.
Just don't create a bunch of these and try to sell them. You don't want a cease and desist letter from Mickey Mouse. That guy does not mess around. The only thing more frightening than seeing a demon on Halloween is Mickey, Goofy, and Donald brandishing some clubs on your doorstep.
Pumpkin Lights

One thing that is definitively Halloween is the pumpkin, or more accurately, Jack O'Lanterns. But whatever you want to call them, pumpkin lights are a cute way to tell people that you are in the spirit of Halloween, and you won't need a bunch of other decorations to show that.
These lights, especially, really put the lantern in Jack O'Lantern. They aren't just your typical cutesy lights that are almost indiscernible from Christmas lights when you are standing far away. They look like lanterns, and that's the cool part.
Now, you can put as many of these up as you'd like, but it gets expensive. Plus, let's not forget that sometimes less is more.
Giant Spiders

It's enough to give any arachnophobic a panic attack, but that's not really your problem. This house full of creepy crawly spiders is enough to scare anyone to some extent but only for a second. Eventually, logic will kick in, and you'll remember spiders don't really get this big - at least in this country.
We're kidding, of course. Regardless, spiders are an icon of Halloween, and you can add spiders of any size to your decor setup, and at best, it might keep away a few solicitors. Heck, you can keep them up all year! Who's going to stop you? Well, the HOA, maybe, but everyone else has to deal with it.
Creepy Clown

Okay, now this is just sick, I know, but it is an idea. Clowns are easily spiders' evil cousins, and they live that way by choice. Clowns are a Halloween staple because of their creepy makeup and smile. They always give you a sense that they want to hurt you, even if their supposed purpose is to make you laugh.
But who on earth laughs at a clown's jokes? Not me. I stand straight away. This would be one of those houses I take my kid and stand way far back. And maybe he'll ask, "Dad, can you come with me?" But then I'll say, "Nah, you're a big boy now. You go right ahead." And then, if he doesn't get eaten by the clown, I take his Snickers.
Scrub a Dub Dub

It's illegal in most places to take a bath on your porch, but not if you are a skeleton. Skeletons can shed their clothes whenever they want, mostly because they don't need them. This decor idea is more funny than scary, but it's definitely a Halloween idea; make no mistake.
Now, why is there a spider skeleton? I can't tell you, given that spiders don't have bones. But this is another one of those circumstances that definitely throws logic out the window. I wonder, though, if perhaps, too much. Some people will definitely look at this and at least Google, Do spiders Have skeletons? - if they don't outright believe it.

Crafting your own Halloween decorations doesn't have to require you to buy all new materials; you can turn junk from your garage into a Halloween treasure with just a few tools and some paint. Here, someone transformed a propane tank into a Jack O'Lantern. Certainly, it's absolutely useless as a propane tank now.
But as a Halloween decoration, this thing will last for years. It might need a new coat of orange paint for maintenance, but that's no biggie. If you are into the rustic style, in particular, this is a fantastic idea that lets you maintain that look throughout the Halloween season.
Spiderweb Goals

If you thought we were done with the spider ideas, we're sorry to disappoint. Spiders are just a terrific idea because arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias. Who wouldn't be afraid of spiders and their long pointed legs, especially when they are covered in hair, crawling toward you?
Then blow up those spiders times a thousand, and you have nightmare fuel on your hands. This one is especially brutal because you know you have to go right through the spider's web if you want that candy. *insert maniacal laughter here*
And the best part is that the spiders don't have to be the only decor you have.

Nothing says fall like twigs. The imagery of decay is the very essence of fall - things dying to make way for life in the spring. Twigs can be spooky to some degree, but not necessarily by themselves. That's why you'll need some other spooky decorations if you are getting ready for Halloween.
For the rest of the autumn season, you may want some pumpkins or at least some fall colors that complement the twigs. Having just twigs all over your porch would only make it look like you don't take care of your plants. And maybe also get some evergreen plants so your porch doesn't look dead.

Not everyone wants to turn their home into a haunted house or an all-things-autumn theme park - and that's okay. Minimalistic is sometimes the best way to go, especially if you live in an apartment, townhome, or an HOA community. As we've said, sometimes less is more.
You don't have to decorate your porch from head to toe with pumpkins and scarecrows to make a statement. Sometimes you can just take a few pumpkins or even just a neat fall wreath and call it a day. Simple fall touches allow you to maintain the usual look of your home and tweak it just so.
Winter Is Coming

It's time to announce to the world that it's still cool to be a Game of Thrones fan, while also articulating a very obvious truth: winter is coming. If the fall does anything, after all, it reminds us that, yes, winter is coming. In the words of Phil Connors, "It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life."
Here you can see all the pumpkins painted with a different house sigil. Why House Baratheon was not included in this setup is a crime, to be sure, but perhaps this was done after season 6 when the Baratheon name was extinct. No matter that the little ones won't understand any of this.
Wooden Pumpkins

It's safe to say that the pumpkin is the definitive symbol of the fall season. You really can't have too many pumpkins, especially when you have a variety of pieces that celebrate them. While maybe a dozen real pumpkins might be a bit much, a variety of pumpkin decorations can be classy.
These wooden pumpkins provide an excellent rustic look for your porch that is both warm and welcoming. They won't detract from the rest of your home, and they can be left out throughout the fall season, making them exceedingly practical. You won't have to take them down after one month like your skeletons and your turkeys.

Sure, apples are available all year, but the best time to harvest them is in the late summer and early fall, making an apple decor scene highly appropriate. It also harkens to those back-to-school vibes, and all those apple desserts people indulge in during the fall. Apples are an iconic American fruit, and you can't go wrong with some apple decor.
We wouldn't recommend putting real apples all over your porch, however, or you'll quickly have rotting fruit and flies all over the place. But there is a time and place for some fake fruit, and this might be one of those circumstances. But, if you live near a real orchard, you might as well use the real thing.
Pumpkin Vase

If we haven't made it clear enough to you until this point, let's drive it home with this idea: the pumpkin vase. When it comes to pumpkins, you can really do anything you can imagine. Turn an ordinary pumpkin into a vase that will last about as long as the flowers inside will.
Why buy a vase when you can make one using this legendary squash? This is the only time you can really get away with it, so you might as well - at least until watermelon vases and lanterns become a thing. Not that we are saying they should! But with TikTok existing, you never really know...
Mats With Humor

The fall can feel a bit dismal at times, so why not lighten things up with some humor? Humorous welcome mats are a great conversation piece and can put a smile on that Amazon delivery person's face. However, if he's had a long day, he probably won't notice.
But on a side note, I don't know why you'd need to put pants on for wine unless you are getting wine deliveries on the reg, or you mean you have to go out and get it. Not important, though.
Pro-tip: Wait for the delivery person to leave, and you don't have to put on pants at all.

Barrels are always an excellent decor idea for a harvest-themed porch. They provide not only the aesthetic look you are going for - but also function as a display table for your other decorations. Top your barrel with some beautiful fall flowers or some welcoming signage to greet your guests.
And if you don't want any guests, decorate your barrel with the skulls of your enemies! We jest, of course. You don't want to be that obvious about it. But maybe you could put a foul-smelling candle or flower - something that says, "Please leave me alone."
Corn Maze

Among of the most special things about Halloween, especially if you are living the country life, are corn mazes. The corn maze is a Halloween staple - often where you can encounter some real thrills and scares. Turn your home into a corn maze and give your porch a unique aesthetic that will be the envy of your neighbors.
Just gather some cornstalks to put in the forefront and decorate the rest of your porch with whatever pumpkins and autumn-themed decor you have on hand. You can even give your porch a spooky theme just like a real haunted corn maze. There are infinite possibilities, but you won't need to do a whole lot because cornstalks really make a clear statement.

Mums the word to think about this fall. Also known as Chrysanthemums, mums are native to East Asia. However, they do exceedingly well here in America in the autumn months, blooming in an array of different colors for you to choose from - including white, red, yellow, and purple! Mums are the quintessential fall flower.
Mums can start blooming as early as mid-summer all the way to late fall. So, if you are looking for some fall colors to add to your porch, mums are a great way to do that. We wouldn't go overboard with the mums, however.

The fall can be a stressful time. The kids are back in school, so that means driving them to and from. You've probably used up all your vacation time, so now it's back to work and reality for you. LAME. And on top of all that, you have the dismal fall weather to look forward to.
So, why not build yourself a little getaway on your porch? Decorate your porch with a cozy bench, complete with blankets, pillows, and anything else that makes you feel right at home. Enjoy a moment's rest while your kids expel their last bit of energy outside.

If you have a porch big enough to get away with this, turning your porch into a dining area is a terrific idea. If you want to take advantage of the fact that it's no longer too hot to enjoy dinner outside, a dining area will allow you to get some fresh air while you eat the night's supper.
Hopefully, you are a bad cook, though, because otherwise, you might get some noisy neighbors dropping by, asking to join in on your outdoor feast. But if you live in the middle of nowhere, you should be fine. Lastly, make sure your dining room furniture is fit for the outdoors, or you'll get mold real fast.

We can't lie to you; this design would fit a lot better if you owned an actual farm-style home. Nevertheless, you shouldn't let that stop you if you like the aesthetic. Farmhouse decor can give you that harvest season look you crave, but you don't want to go all out with it if it doesn't match the aesthetics of your home.
That being said, a few farmhouse accent pieces should serve you well. Most people are going to purchase pumpkins during the fall, and you can take that a step further with some haystacks and a few pieces of farming equipment. Complete the look with a nice fall wreath that will give guests a warm welcome before they start arguing at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

A wooden wheel like this one will also give you that farmhouse look, and there's surprisingly much you can do with it. You can have it leaning on its own on your porch, or you can include it as part of a display.
Maybe you use it as part of a scene of a haunted crash site, or maybe you do something as simple as decorating it with lights - the options are endless. To be clear, though: don't use a wheel from your car. Not only do you need that, but it doesn't quite have the same effect as a wooden wagon wheel.

Now, this idea is every bit fun as it is functional! If you live in the north especially, the fall is a good time to start gathering your firewood for your fireplace. But you don't need to hide all of it in a shed or in your garage when you can display it on your porch.
The look of firewood instantly gives your home those fall vibes and gets people in the mood for the season - ready to start those pyromaniac adventures you've been waiting for all year - for the purposes of keeping warm of course...ahem.
Flower Tower

Forget the summer of love. Forget Flower Power. It's the fall, and it's all about Flower Tower. What is it? Well, it's all about adding some color to your porch without the flowers taking up everything. You can do this with real flowers or with fake ones, but the real thing is always better...
...unless you are terrible at taking care of plants. Regardless, you are going to want an interesting tower that screams fall right in your neighbor's face. Otherwise, it's going to be boring, and nobody is going to care. We don't mean to be mean, we are just being realistic.

This takes the Flower Tower idea and takes things a step further. Do you see what we did there? Step. Ladder. It's funny, okay. Anyway, you can easily elevate the look of your potted plants by placing them on a small ladder.
Sorry, that was the last one. Maybe.
This ladder display also allows you to fit more plants on your porch without making the area look cluttered. So, if you love flowers and a rustic style in general, the ladder is a great idea. Plus, you don't even have to put flowers on it. You can put pumpkins or any other cool decor you find.

Take things to the next level with shelves! Sorry, puns are just a rabbit hole for me. Nevertheless, there's a lot you can do with shelves that don't just involve flowers. You can turn your entire porch into a room of its own, decorated with various knickknacks and accent pieces.
While you might not want to display your law degree out here or embarrassing family photos, there are plenty of all-theme displays you can create with shelving units that you wouldn't have considered otherwise. Best of all, creating shelves is a simple and entertaining DIY project.
Nature's Help

Your inner laziness will love this fall decor idea. Instead of sweeping the fall leaves off your porch because you know they are just going to keep coming back like flu season, you can just embrace them and let them blow around your porch. Enjoy the look of the leaves while they last instead of putting them in a pile that your kids or dog will jump in.
Fall is a natural phenomenon, after all, so why not let nature do its thing? We aren't suggesting you stop keeping your house clean, but you can wait for the fall leaves to decorate your porch naturally before you get out that leaf blower. Just don't let too many of them accumulate!
Old Furniture

Something about old furniture always channels that fall feeling. Maybe it's the haunted house vibes it can give off. Maybe it's that old wood smell reminiscent of the fall. Either way, you can use old furniture to give your porch an elegant fall look that will impress.
Just be careful if you have termites because they love old wood and will feast on it like a Las Vegas buffet. Be sure to treat and seal your wood pieces to keep the critters away and protect them from the weather and elements.
Pastel Heaven

Maybe you aren't a fan of fall colors. Maybe you miss Easter, the spring, and the fuzzy bunnies. While it might not make sense to bring back the bunnies, unless maybe they are skeleton bunnies, you can integrate the pastel colors. Here, you can see pastel color pumpkins that would make Barbie proud.
Whatever you want to do with your home is up to you! Do what makes you happy and make your home your own. Don't waste time trying to keep up with the Joneses. You're good enough; you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you.

Garland isn't just for Christmas or weddings. Find some fall-themed garland or make your own and give your home a look that is both warm and welcoming, and potentially with a touch of the scary. From far away, it might look like you are hosting a wedding reception, but once people step closer, they'll see what's really going on.
Not in a creepy way, though. We'll mean they see that your garland is Halloween-themed like the one in the photo. It's fun, it's gorgeous, and it will delight guests. It's the contrast between summer and Halloween that really captivates you in the best way possible.
Secret Garden

If you don't remember The Secret Garden being a horror movie, maybe you just remember it wrong... Okay, maybe it wasn't. And this porch isn't really either, but it does have spooky elements like Jack O'Lanterns, ravens, and the like. Combining furniture, candles, chandeliers, and fall flowers, you have one amazing scene on display here.
The multiple elements of all the decor ideas featured here will give your home a truly unique look. Decorating your porch for the fall works best if you get a little creative, so try to think outside the box. The best house is the one that breaks boundaries.