a man who wishes he had a must-have product for arthritis sufferers

5 Must-Have Products for Arthritis Sufferers

Arthritis can make everyday tasks more difficult for sufferers, but luckily there are a number of products that can help you perform them easily and without pain. While it can sometimes be difficult to admit you need help, these five must-have products for arthritis suffers can actually give you the independence to live your life without having to worry about arthritis.

Arthritis Gloves

The hands are one of the most common areas of the body affected by arthritis, and as the condition progresses it gets more and more difficult to perform everyday tasks, such as signing your name or tying your shoes. Thankfully, there are specially designed gloves for people suffering from arthritis that use compression to prevent swelling and the pain associated with this condition.

Heating Pads

Heat can help reduce swelling and improve blood flow to areas affected by arthritis, so some sort of heating pad is a must-have. Thankfully, there are many options to choose from—there are electric heating pads, pads heated by microwave, or in a pinch, you could simply use a heated towel.

Walking Devices

In certain severe cases of arthritis, even something as simple as walking can be painful. In instances like these, some sort of device to help you along may be beneficial. For mild walking problems, using a cane may be able to alleviate your pain, but in more serious situations a standard or rolling walker may be necessary.

Shower Bench

Arthritis can limit your ability to bend and stretch, which can make it difficult to thoroughly clean yourself. Installing a small chair or bench for sitting down in the shower can make this task easier, especially when it comes to cleaning your lower torso.

Reaching Tool

Arthritis can make picking up objects from high or low areas a pain, so investing in a tool that can reach and grab those objects for you is a must. These tools are easy to find at most hardware and medical supply stores, and come in a variety of different shapes and sizes—including those with adjustable lengths for maximum comfort.