As If Passive Aggressive Notes Aren't Enough

Thanks to the wonders of the internet, your neighbors now have more options than ever to annoy you. If you thought your wifi was safe, think again!
We're not sure whose side to take in this fight, so we'll just safely assume that they're both terrible neighbors.
The Diagram is Especially Helpful

Passive aggressive or not, I'm a big fan of writing in all caps--so props to the author for the great penmanship. That being said, that's about the only thing great with this letter.
It's particularly funny that this self-righteous crusader doesn't seem to care that this person is parking bad in general. Judging from the diagram, bad parking is only an issue if it affects them directly.
Funny...but Still Passive Aggressive

As a fan of Archer and an enemy of ants, it's hard to get mad at this one. But the anger is there, if only you look for it.
Heaven forbid you just have an adult conversation with your neighbor about bugs. Hopefully the ants are passive aggressive so they'll never see them.
Terrible Singer > Terrible Neighbor

If this person is serious about being a singer, they should appreciate the honest advice. If this person has a pulse, they should be furious at how it was delivered.
If this neighbor wants anyone to take their advice seriously, then I think they should have to first prove that they're a good singer themselves.
Everything is an Opportunity for Passive Aggression

Property lines can be tricky when it comes to mowing. I would suggest being kind and giving people the benefit of the doubt in this scenario, but clearly, this neighbor had other thoughts.
When it comes to passive aggressive acts, this is basically an act of terrorism--and you don't negotiate with terrorists. If I was this guy's neighbor, I would let the strip of grass grow until it's thigh high.
The Grass is Always Greener

We’ll give these neighbors the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the lawn mower ran out of gas? But Something tells me that’s not very likely….
This looks more like an obnoxious yet passive way of telling their neighbors off. We’ll score this a 6/10 for the creativity!
Silt Happens

There's something in America that's tearing us apart. It causes brother to hate brother and neighbors to take up arms against one another. And this dangerous threat is...silt?
Silt might not be an issue for the average person, but when it comes to passive aggression, the pettier the issue, the better.
A Little Neighborly Paint Job

Hey, why go to the trouble of writing an actual note when good old fashioned vandalism will do the job!
I don't doubt for a minute that the dog won't shut up, but resorting to this moves you immediately from the "legitimately aggrieved" column and into the "a-hole" column.
Beware of Neighbor

I have a couple issues with this sign. Let's break things down. One, I don't for a minute believe that the sign maker is going out there and updating the number when the dog goes a day without barking.
And two, this sign is completely pointless. If there's a guy in a double wide with a loud dog down the street, no one is beating down the gates of this neighborhood to get in.
Light(en) Up

Sometimes befriending your enemies is actually for the best. And I think that these nosy neighbors are the perfect canditates to test that theory.
They clearly have a severe need to mellow the hell out, and, equally as clearly, their fragrant neighbor has just the thing for that.
Fencing the Bird

Is this being passive aggressive or just an unfinished job? Something tells me it's the former, but at least you have deniability.
The likely story here is the age-old story of homeowner vs. home owners association! There’s nothing worse than being told what to do by a group of neighbors you could care less about. We would do the bare minimum too, and maybe throw in a little spice – like flipping the bird.
I Hate to Butt In...

Let's try to keep an open mind here. Maybe these people live in a place where you can redeem cigarette butts for money like you do with aluminum cans--in which case, this neighbor is just being helpful.
But for real, I don't know what was going on in this guy's head. I'm sure that picking up the cigarette butts had to be more unpleasant than just looking at them.
Doggone Vandalism

This is passive aggressive on multiple levels! Not only is it straight-up vandalism, it’s also not even confronting the problem head on! If they had a real issue, they should have taken it up with the dog. Not just defacing the outside of this poor neighbor’s home!
If you’re that desperate to tell you neighbor their dog is barking, why not record it and play it over a speaker in front of their door while they’re home? It’s at least fighting fire with fire. Give them a taste of their own medicine! Don’t commit vandalism.
Passive Aggressive Ouroboros

You get back what you put into the world, or at least, this passive aggressive neighbor sure did. Hopefully they're just as good at taking it as they are at dishing it out.
Okay sure, responding to passive aggression with more passive aggression isn't a helpful solution. But it is the most satisfying one, if you're interested.
There's Something in the Vents

It doesn't take a marijuana expert to know that one does not "store in the vents"--the smell just sort of makes its own way up there. If you're going to write a passive aggressive letter, at least do your research.
I know that the other neighbor was trying to be both passive aggressive and kind at the same time by offering up some of his stash, but I would under no circumstances smoke that. You never accept free drugs from a stranger--especially one that you just insulted!
Well Hello There

Okay, so this probably is a happy accident and not passive aggression. But it's just too rich to not imagine someone who hates their neighbors so much that even their garbage agrees.
And this is the prime opportunity for the picture taker to get passive aggressive themselves. Look how poorly their neighbors deal with trash!
Have You Heard the Good News About Thin Mints?

Some might call this passive aggression, but honestly, it's just being smart.
No one wants a new religion or to change their internet provider, but pretty much everyone is always in the mood for a cookie.
Sometimes Passive Aggression is Warranted

If you read this note and felt victimized by its passive aggression, then there's a good chance you're doing something unseemly in the elevator. And I definitely want a copy of those security tapes.
Honestly, this is one case where I feel worse for the letter writer than the recipient--and obviously plenty of thoughts prayers for whoever has to review those tapes...
Yes, This is Passive Aggressive, and Yes, This is Awesome

Passive aggression is a weapon that's normally used on people who don't deserve it. But here, we have a case of someone using it to protect themselves.
I wish them and their dogs good luck with the crappy neighbors, but lest we forget--you live by the passive aggressive billboard, you die by the passive aggressive billboard.
At Least They Put Some Effort Into It

If you're going to have neighbors that complain about you behind your back, at least find some that appreciate the effort of a personalized touch. The drawing isn't great, but at least there was some creativity behind.
But honestly, this could be a match made in heaven. Maybe this neighbor will come to love yodeling, and then they can have a jam session with the piano player.
Right to the Point

Some passive aggressive neighbors love the pageantry of a highly public fight, but not these guys. It's still passive aggressive, but they're not actually making any demands or sending any thinly-veiled threats.
And points to them for making it seem like his car is waking up some other neighbors. I'm sure the letter writer has no personal qualms with his vehicle, no siree.
This Means War

Some of these displays of passive aggression just seem so exhausting and time-consuming that I would almost just prefer my angry neighbors to come over and fist fight me in the yard. At least that's over and done with pretty quickly.
But these flamingo people clearly have other plans. And I'm sure that whatever they're fighting about, it totally justifies the effort and cost of pissing off your neighbors.
Never Live Downstairs

There's not anything snarky to even say about this one because it's probably true. I don't know what it is about the second story of apartments, but apparently the force of gravity up there is twice as strong as it is on the ground floor.
But as far as the note goes--if the upstairs neighbors weren't wearing stone sandals before, I bet they are wearing them now just to spite you!
Grandma Means Business

These people didn't just make a sign--they ordered one. So clearly they mean business. And you know what? I say let 'em try.
It might seem crazy to just roll over and let the jerks win, but I would pay good money to see grandma, grandpa, and their darling grandson all get arrested for letting him poop in public.
She *Almost* Had a Point

Oh Judy, things started so strongly. It might be better to take up electrical issues with your landlord, but this is obviously an issue and Peter is involved, whether he wants to be or not.
But, my dear reader, this is a passive aggressive notes in two acts! And Judy's second letter leaves her looking rude and psychotic--and good luck getting Peter to care about your legitimate concerns now!
A Promise, Not a Threat

Once again, we have a passive aggressive sign maker who's complaints (if true) seem totally justified. But that still doesn't justify the sign!
Put your money where your mouth is and start chopping some hands off, or shut up and seethe in silence.
Pardon Me, M'Lady

I love how this note starts with a pretense of formality and respect for "the lady of the house," and then immeditately devolves in to passive aggressive hysteria. First of all, she didn't need to mention that she didn't want to meet face to face--you wrote a cowardly letter, so it's implied that you don't want to meet face to face.
And second of all, if this note is indicative of how the letter writer is every day, then I can think of a pretty big reason why someone wouldn't want to wave at her that doesn't involve adultery.
Trash is a Slippery Slope

If this letter writer had just stopped at "trash attracts mice" they might have had a point. But oh no, this is a passive aggressive letter--they never end when they need to.
Instead, we're treated to this Hole in the Bottom of the Sea-style tale where putting out your trash early will inevitably lead to hawks eating your neighbor's dog. The logic is the mind of a crazy person.
A House Divided

What do you do when you're married to a passive aggressive person? If this photo is any indication, then you get creative!
This is actually great news for the person who got this letter. Because now they know that if there's a problem, they can just skip over this passive aggressive lady entirely and talk to her husband instead.
Passive Aggressive Turtle

Bad parking or not, all I can say is this--I would not want to be the unfortunate soul who gets caught putting one of these on someone's car.
If you do get caught in the act, though, you better hope that they're just as bad at fighting as they are at parking!
Those Pesky Kids!

Listen, I'd much rather live next to dogs than kids, but this letter is really testing that theory. It's crazy to the point of wanting to shout, "THE GALL!" at no one in particular.
But the real victims in all of this are clearly the dogs. They're obviously a species who classically hate happy people and children.
You Silly Billy

I think that the childish language in this one really fits--this person clearly has a full diaper, so baby talk is very on brand.
But why in the world would they pick up the poop and move it the door? Just write an angry note! You don't have to touch dog poop to do that!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Drug Dealer

So is this a passive aggressive note or a marketing campaign for a drug dealer? Because at this point I really can't tell.
But if this is how you deal with living next to drug dealers--as opposed to, you know, calling the cops--then I say y'all deserve each other. Drug dealers are not really the kind of people I would want to express any kind of aggression around, but you live your life they way you want--until they take it from you for snitching.
It's Better Than the Alternative

Sure, this might be passive aggressive, but that Christmas thief should be thanking his lucky stars. They could have gone to the cops, but he got away with just a little embarrassment.
These days it seems you can’t go anywhere without someone watching you, but I guess this helps identify who the Grinch who stole Christmas, really is. It’s pretty despicable to say the least, but we think these passive aggressive neighbors are well within their right to embarrass these people.
A Job Well Done

There’s nothing worse than a neighbor who has a problem with your fence. Who’s fence is it? Is your fence on my property? Your fence is falling down! Your fence needs painted! Fences have probably caused thousands of neighbor disputes every year. And it seems this poor guy is in the midst of one.
It looks like neighbor Bob didn’t specify how exactly the fence should be painted. Guess he got what he asked for though! Hopefully Bob will be thrilled to see his neighbor’s fence is finally painted… But something tells us he won’t be.
Prune the Rainbow

These neighbors must be making a statement, but geez you would think they would have a little better taste! These lights are ugly, not to mention those scraggly shrubs look like they need some love and attention. Maybe that’s why they threw up those lights, to distract from their unkempt landscaping.
Whatever the reason for such a statement, this just goes to show you can make a passive aggressive statement for a good cause! Hopefully they’ve gotten through to their neighbors and settled their differences. Those rainbow lights would get pretty old after a few weeks.
A Passive Aggressive Work of Art

You must really detest someone to spend the time and money to sculpt an entire sculpture aimed at your neighbor’s window. Whatever they did to them seriously must have struck a nerve! We’ve seen just about everything, but this is one of a kind vengeance. It's truly a work of art.
We’ve seen some passive aggressive neighbors before, but these people may just cross the line over into direct aggression. And who is this crazy person anyways? Michael Angelo? Unless they forked over thousands to hire a custom bronze sculptor, they must have some serious time and talent on their hands.
You Are My Sunshine

Those pesky dog walkers are public enemy number one when it comes to neighborly disputes. This is case in point. This poor neighbor had had enough with this pooch’s poo. They must have children in the house because they picked up some chalk and took matters into their own hands!
They say the pen is mightier than the sword, here it’s chalk. At least they choose to look at things on the sunny side and have a semi sense of humor. This could have been a real stinker. Maybe next time that pesky dog walker will take a hint and GET OFF THE LAWN!
Wait, That's Not What I Meant

This has hateful HOA written all over it. 99% of the time, following the letter of the law word for word is way more fun than following the spirit of the law. Just ask these rather artistic and clever homeowners. We guarantee you some bob-wearing lady come knocking to dish out their disputes, but they got more than they bargained for.
These people were probably told to put their garbage out of sight behind a painted fence…well, that’s just what they did. But those HOA people have got to get specific if they’re going to tell people what to do! They didn’t specify what kind of painted fence. Technically these passive aggressive neighbors are following all the rules!
Get a Hobby

Cigarette butts are the bits left over after you’ve sucked down the rest of your cigarette. Instead of disposing of these pieces of paraphernalia, people just aimlessly throw them on the ground and forget about them! This may work for some people, but the rest of us out here who value mother earth would rather not deal with your nasty habit.
This neighbor had apparently had enough! Their smoker neighbor is inconsiderate with their cigarette butts, but who in the world is collecting and arranging them? If you’re willing to collect enough butts to spell out a message for your neighbor, you may be the actual crazy person in this scenario. Sorry!
Gentlemen Newspaper Legionnaire

At this day in age, anyone who reads a newspaper is a psychopath. That being said, you should probably not steal a psychopath’s newspaper. This neighbor has an army of neck-beards ready to come after you via Reddit and 4Chan… It’s probably wise to just leave this crazy person alone.
They also seem to have at least a basic understanding of meme culture, but you could have yourself a meme lord on your hands. In that case, prepare to be trolled till the end of your days. They will never give up, they will never back down. They may not get you today or tomorrow, but when you least suspect it they’re right there waiting for you.
“Hey, our neighbor’s a minuteman!”

We couldn’t imagine having to look this guy in the eye the next day in the hallway! He must be auditioning for a Gone in 60 Seconds revamp! There’s nothing worse than FOMO, and his passive aggressive neighbors must have a bad case of fear of missing out. Seriously, who’s breaking out a stop watch just to track this man’s stamina?
We’re not denying how inappropriate and annoying it is to hear every move in your neighbor’s arsenal of love making, but do you really need to comment on it? How violating, how cruel, how…. Passive aggressive. At least give the neighbor a courtesy knock before exposing them to the passersby in the hallway!
One-Man Dog Band

There’s literally nothing worse than a neighbor’s yappin’ dog. This neighbor must have been pushed to the brink of mania to sit down and conjure this scathing flyer inviting everyone to his neighbors one man dog band show! They must know a thing or two about graphic design, because that’s a pretty rad flyer! Where can we buy tickets?
Dogs can be the best friends to humanity, but sometimes they’re not. This poor puppy must have a bad case of separation anxiety because barking at this level is only a tell tail sign of stress. Maybe they should put a tip jar outside the neighbor’s door to collect enough money for a few obedience classes for that poor pooch.
A-Hole’s from Space

They say there’s a few things you can see from space, The Great Wall of China and this guy's hatred for his neighbor! To despise someone to this magnitude must be a tough act to keep up. We wonder just what happened to make these people proclaim their hurt feelings to astronomical proportions.
Did he steal his wife? Kill his dog? Who knows! Whatever the case it left an impression on his neighbor that will last until the next time they need to mow their yard at least. This neighbor is ultra-passive aggressive because their neighbors would have no clue their neighbors were calling them out, unless they have a private chopper.
Eddie Money For the Money

If you’ve ever lived below a pack of wildebeests, you know exactly what this poor downstairs neighbor is going through. Those floorboards are paper thin, it’s a miracle it’s holding everyone up! But the worst part about it is, you can hear literally every little thing your upstairs neighbor does. Every dropped spoon, footstep, and movie can be heard.
After a few months of this you’d be a little mad too. Maybe even mad enough to dig up the song lyrics from The Breakfast Club to get your point across. Our heart goes out to your downstairs neighbor, maybe next time just return the favor with some bangs on the ceiling. Or better yet, a knock on their door.
Involuntary Peep Show

Hey, is there a full moon tonight? Oh, wait that’s just the neighbor! This poor neighborhood must have been completely sick and tired of seeing their neighbor’s derriere to leave a note like this. Who knows how long it went, but we bet wives were snatching their husbands and hustling to cover their children’s eyes!
One thing’s for sure, unless these folks had an inclination for exhibition, they were absolutely mortified to know the whole neighborhood was getting a free strip show every night. We’re sure they were calling their agent the next day, begging to sell and move! We wouldn’t blame them. How could you wave at your neighbors knowing they’ve seen all your… kibbles and bits?
A Little Louder for the People In The Back!

It seems that this annoyed neighbor has decided to smartly employ a little reverse psychology when dealing with their loud neighbor. While the snarky note may read like they’re absolutely having just as much fun as their neighbors across the wall, we’re sure they’d had their can full. Wouldn’t you?
Some would argue that this passive aggressive neighbor was just jealous of the other’s good time. But, while a 2am escapade may be fun for you, hearing someone else’s during the dead of night is… well, a little invasive. Unless that wall is paper thin, we’re not sure how they’d here anyways. Unless their neighbors are just that ridiculous.
Just in Case You’re Being Tortured

What kind of a person has the time and attention to document (in detail) the auditory experience of your sex-life? This neighbor! This person was so intrigued by the guttural noises coming from their neighbor’s apartment, they documented the times and noises just in case they needed a testimony for the mauling that happened next door.
Chances are, if it’s getting that loud and crazy, someone’s faking. Maybe this concerned neighbor was just trying to bring it to their attention that they may be in more pain than pleasure. One thing’s for sure, it must have at least been a little entertaining for the listeners to write down the blow by blow. Literally.
“I have a special set of skills.”

This person is sick and tired of their neighbor constantly leaving them in a crappy situation. Seriously, if you’re going to walk your dog, carry a baggy to collect their excrements. No one wants to pick up someone else’s pooch’s poo. We have a feeling this neighbor has had enough, and he’s ready to pick a fight.
If we were the neglectful dog walker, we’d take this note seriously. Like Liam Neeson seriously. This passive aggressive neighbor is firing a warning shot. If this repeat offender isn’t careful, he may end up getting a face full of poo. This doesn’t just sound like a threat, it seems like a promise. Hopefully they’ll learn!
Airing Your Dirty Laundry

Sharing a laundry space with your neighbors honestly sucks. No one ever sticks around to fully launder their clothes, and every once in awhile that scummy neighbor cuts your cycle short to get theirs done first. This neighbor decided to post a notice, calling out the laundry room loser once and for all.
This note is teetering right on the edge of passive aggression to direct aggression. They weren’t afraid to throw hands! They even threw the offenders clothes out in the snow to freeze! THEN gave them their apartment number and said pull up! Don’t mess with this neighbor, they carry smiley face Band-Aids and aren’t afraid to tell you to your face!