Your Home

If it's money you're concerned about during retirement, you probably don't have anything of larger value than your home. It can help provide some cushion if you're lacking in the savings department.
Selling your home can be a big and emotional decision, but it can really pay off too. Even downsizing from a $250,000 home to a $150,000 could save you over $6000 a year.
Your Children’s Old Stuff

This topic may be a bit controversial because no one wants to let go of the past, especially when it has to do with their kiddos. But, as life meanders the time will come when we must make that hard decision. Which refrigerator crayon picture is worth keeping, and which isn’t.
This decision definitely needs to be handled with a lot of care and thought. But, not every piece of macaroni art is a Picasso. Pick the ones that have memories tied to them and let the rest go. If you don’t have the guts to throw them away yourself, have someone else dispose of the reject pile. Or, box it all up and give it to your kids!
Business Clothes

It's finally time to say goodbye to the stuffy, formal business clothes you were forced to wear when you were working. We're sure you're just heartbroken about that.
Getting rid of these clothing items is a great way to free up closet space. And while you probably won't make a killing off of them, you could always donate them to a friend who isn't fortunate enough to be retired yet.

Having a collection of some kind is a common, fun hobby. Having multiple collections that you can't even keep track of is not.
If your house feels like it's more kick knacks than a house, it's probably time to say goodbye to some of those collectibles. You might even luck out and have some rare stuff and make a pretty penny in the process!
Exercise Equipment

Staying active during retirement is important, but that doesn't mean you need a fully stocked home gym. Getting rid of exercise equipment that's been collecting dust for years is another great option for downsizing.
Obviously keep what you'll use, but don't forget that exercising can be as simple as getting up and moving. And are you really going to shed a tear over that exercise bike?
Fine China

Going against the grain has always been a way of life for revolutionaries. But did you know that parting with family heirlooms like fine China can also be paving the way for a cause? It's game over for the days of carrying down dishes from generation to generation. Unless you make hosting parties your nine-to-five, it's time to say goodbye to those fussy pieces of pottery.
Most of us would rather hang out with friends and sip on our pineapple-grapefruit juice cocktails served in mason jars than get caught up in counting soup spoons! So forget about having to buy insurance for your aunt's old, chipped Royal Copenhagen plates passed down since the 18th century – just pass along those memories and pour another round!
Storage Units

If your house is bursting at the seams with stuff, it's time to take a hard look at yourself and downsizing is the way to go. No more of those hefty monthly storage payments! Even if you can't bear to part with all of your things, there are still options...
You could move some of your stuff into a smaller (cheaper!) unit and make like Marie Kondo. You'll be shocked at how much clutter you can free up in just a few hours! And don't forget the payoff--you'll have tons of extra space (and money) to do whatever makes you truly happy.
Old Spices

If you're like us, you've looked at your spice cabinet recently and thought, "where did all this stuff come from?" And that's totally ok! We can all relate to the fact that the more we cook at home, the bigger our spice cabinet seems to get. It's true that those spices can be a lifesaver when you're trying to recreate an amazing recipe or take your cooking game up a notch.
Unfortunately, they don't last forever! Whether it's time to move or time to downsize, now is the perfect time to clean out your overflowing spice supply. Don't worry about it being too expensive either - spices are generally affordable and easy to find. Don't keep too many in there though - too much of anything around here isn't a good thing!

Retirement is finally here, and it's time to really think long and hard about your car situation. No, you don't have to go back to horse-drawn carriages, but there are definitely other options worth considering. If you're married and only one of you will be driving for a while, it might make sense to ditch that second car.
And if you already only drive one vehicle, consider downsizing from the shiny sedan - or sports model - you might be used to driving to something more age-appropriate and financially friendly. That way you can still get around in style without breaking the bank.
Old Linens

When the sheets on your bed look rough and tired, it's time to take matters into your own hands! Sure, you could just buy more - but why not give new life to the dingy linens that have been in your linen closet for far too long?
Reuse those old bedsheets by turning them into dust rags, dish towels, or anything else you can think of. Don’t just throw them away - put ‘em to work! Quality over quantity, said grandma - and she always had the right answer. Who knew that bed sheets could be so useful?
Kitchen Equipment

Retirement is a great opportunity to downsize and lighten the load, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on your aspirations of becoming a top-notch chef. Sure, we all need a break from our kitchen appliances every now and then — but why should you when it's such a fun and satisfying outlet?
Take away the bulky ice-cream makers, over-sized mixers, and bulky microwaves that may be taking up precious counter space in your kitchen. Keep the good stuff like pots, pans, spices—and of course, silverware! After all, there's nothing better than being able to confidently say "I cooked it myself"!
Dirty Old Shoes

Shoes, shoes and more shoes! They are certainly a necessary evil but sometimes we have too many cluttering up the closet - and it's time for them to get adopted by someone else's feet. But don't just fling your old shoes in the dumpster; you can try second-hand shopping or even a yard sale!
With older age comes wisdom - so make sure to put little-by-little aside some money for a good pair of shoes. Forgive me if this seems like I'm stating the obvious - but that old gag about investing in good footwear still rings true, especially for us boomerfolk out there!
Sentimental Items

Going through our keepsakes and mementos can be a daunting task, but it's definitely worth it in the end. Sure, those stick figure artworks may not be fine art masterpieces, but they remind us of the happy memories from our family! In addition to preserving cherished memories, sorting through sentimental items can also bring an unexpected feeling of calmness - goodbye overwhelming drawers and cluttered storage bins!
You never know what wonderful treasures you'll unearth by taking some time to reminisce. So make yourself a cup of tea and get sorting - although don't worry if you're having trouble parting with your kid's or grandkid's first-grade paper art; there's always room for one or two in the scrapbook!
Expired Medications

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t finish their antibiotic prescriptions…this is an intervention to encourage you to take the full thing. Storing it in your medicine cabinet to use at a later date isn’t doing anybody any good. You need that full dose to really get the benefit your health insurance pays for.
Like all little cubbies in our house, after years and years, we can get an absurd amount of medication hoarded before we know it. Medications do have an expiration date, especially topical creams and ointments. So, it would be wise while you’re downsizing to weed out any expired medications.
Old Phones

Sure, old cell phones may not take up as much room as a broken hand mixer, or a chipped teapot, but that's no excuse to store them in your basement. Before tossing them in the trash, there's one little thing you should keep in mind (and it could save you some money).
Before you recklessly toss those outdated devices, be sure to do some investigating and check out all the options available for disposing of cell phones. Don't let hazardous chemicals lurk around and ruin your day - so make it a priority to find the right way of dealing with those hoarded gadgets! Some garbage disposal services will charge you if you don't do it right. Yeesh!
Expired Makeup

Reaching the coveted pinnacle style for your makeup game can feel like a real accomplishment, and it's great to explore sometimes with new looks and products. But more often than not, it’s sticking to the old favorites that will get you through each day makeup free. Going through your makeup bag every now and then is key - especially when it comes time to retirement age.
It's pretty shocking to you find quite a few products that were used once, but never seen the light of day since (does anyone else see a metaphor in that?). As with most things in life, however, there are expiration dates even when it comes to makeup - so if it's past due, let those long-forgotten products go with grace!
Miscellaneous Cords and Chargers

After buying a new gadget or console, we can’t even fathom that device not being a part of our daily lives. However, the way technology goes these days means that new devices and accessories are made every year! So, if you always want to keep up with the trends, you’ll be swapping out those devices frequently.
The problem is…these things aren’t cheap, at all! It’s hard to let go of those devices after their obsolete, and somehow even when you do, those chords and charges seem to stick around. Our advice is to do the big chord cleanout. Go through every drawer, cabinet, and storage bin. Find the most important chargers and chords, then find the strays. If they don’t match a device that you use, put them in a bin to be recycled.
Home Decor

Retiring is a major shift, and it may be hard, but one thing you can do to help that transition is sprucing up the old homestead! If you're not getting compliments on your decor from your grandkids anymore, it might be time for something a bit more modern.
Get rid of those old throw pillows and that wreath you've been loyal to for decades and trade up for something a little pizzazz. Refresh your space with some bold colors, new furniture, and other touches here and there. It'll help make retirement feel no less than amazing!
Anything That’s Too High-Maintenance

Listen at this point in time, you’ve been dealing with high-maintenance all your life. So, if you’re tired of being stressed or devoting all of your time and attention to the needs of others, consider ditching anything that’s too high-maintenance. It’s honestly the best way to live.
High-maintenance people can totally derail your day, so protect your peace and set some boundaries before you waste all your time trying to help someone who won’t help themselves. But, people aren’t the only things that can take up your time. Your possessions can too. Consider getting rid of anything that you don’t enjoy taking care of. Who needs that stress?
Antiques You Don’t Care About

Retirement is the perfect time to downsize my collection and say "so long, sally" to some of the old things that have stuck around. Sure, they've served me well over the years, but it's not like anyone else would fight for them if I passed on. The truly priceless pieces and items that bring me joy will stick around till the end, but a lot of my possessions have been hanging around so long they probably don't even remember why they came in the first place!
It can be hard to let go of antiques and keepsakes in theory, but when it comes down to it these objects may provide more stress than pleasure - so why not get rid of them and make room for more meaningful things (or just for easier cleaning!) as I enter my Golden Years?
Old Computers

Getting rid of old electronics can be a bit painful, but come on – that giant Windows '95 PC in the basement hasn't been usable for years! It might seem like our devices become obsolete faster with each passing year, which is why so many of us have an abundance of outdated items cluttering up our homes.
While it might sting to let go of the first PC you ever had, deep down you know that that broken mouse isn't doing you any favors. So embrace the opportunity to free up some space and let go of that ancient PC once and for all! They aren't going to be worth anything in the future, anyway.
Bulk Items

We get so used to having family dinners and feeding the masses, so shopping in bulk becomes a necessity! However, most people find in retirement, there’s no need for all those groceries! Besides, who wants to do all that cooking just to turn around and wash dishes for an hour.
If you wanted to do all that work, you’d have a job. We’re not saying that you’ll never cook at home ever again, but it may not be as much of a daily task as it used to be. Cooking for two, or even one, becomes a hassle in its own right, and we guarantee you’ll be taking it to-go more than you ever thought.
Extra Furniture

Once the kids are grown and out of the house, it can be tempting to preserve their bedrooms just like they used to be. But you're not doing them or yourself any favors!
It's time to toss out that uncomfortable twin mattress and turn the old kid's room into something you'll actually use and enjoy during retirement.
Phone Books

The days of the home phone have officially gone. It’s time to part with those yearly phone book subscriptions and contact info and definitively commit to the smartphone. It’s like a home phone and phonebook all in one! Besides, half of those phone numbers have probably changed since that book was published.
These days, we really need to be having conversations centered around preventing deforestation and climate change. So, cutting out something like a phonebook could decrease your household’s impact on the planet! If you still use your phonebook, just keep the most recent issue and recycle the rest.
Old Files

You never know when you're gonna need those important documents you keep filed away. But something tells me that it's probably safe to toss your 1980s tax return at this point.
Old, unimportant files add up quickly, until your office looks like a warzone. Plus, keeping all those useless ones around just makes it harder to find the documents that you actually do need.

If you're a collector of good jewelry, you probably want to keep it. It's likely you paid handsomely for it, and it's got sentimental value.
However, if you're more a fan of bargain bin necklaces and rings, retirement is a good time to let go of some of that stuff, especially if it's broken. And don't worry--you can always replace what you toss with more!
Missing Pairs

Whether it's socks or lids and bowls, retirement is the perfect time to get rid of your missing pairs. The washer is never going to give you back your missing sock, so quit trying.
Save yourself the frustration of looking for a lost lid by just getting rid of the corresponding tupperware bowl. Problem solved!
Holiday Decor

If you went all out for Christmas because your kids loved it, that's wonderful. But you're retired, and they have kids of their own at this point. It's okay if your house doesn't look like Santa's workshop during the holidays anymore.
Getting rid of old holiday decorations can help you save space, but it can also help you stay safe. That string of Christmas lights you've had for 20 years is probably not fit to be plugged in at this point.

A bookshelf full of books you know that you'll probably never read can be more depressing than no books at all. If you haven't gotten around to Moby Dick by retirement, it's almost certainly not going to happen now.
Getting rid of old books is a great way to free up some extra shelf space. And if you want them to go to a good home, you could always make a donation to the library.
Knick Knacks

Let's face it: when you're a retiree, all those knickknacks and tchotchkes can be quite the buzzkill when they turn into clutter. You know what I mean - those pesky little figurines that take up space, but you don't actually care about them. And they don't seem to go anywhere unless you do something about them!
That's why we need to make it a priority to get rid of all these useless items. Whether it's just a junk drawer or your entire house, believe me - you'll feel so much better once you're done! So don't let those strange and mysterious objects take over your abode - round 'em up, and straighten things out!
Sports Equipment

Have you been procrastinating on that garage clean-out? Just having the thought of all that gear lying around gives us a headache! Whether it's lawn darts or football pads, sports equipment has a way of hogging up space in the home. And what's worse, it just sits there collecting dust like an extra roommate taking up precious real estate.
So why not get rid of it and free up some much-needed space? Host a yard sale and turn your old sporting goods into cash money, and your clutter worries will be cleared away faster than a quarterback running down the field. Get out of your comfort zone, go the extra mile, and tackle that garage makeover!
Musical Instrument

Don't let your Bob Dylan fantasy fool you! Putting those unused musical instruments to good use and cashing in on their value is actually pretty doable. First, inspect them for any damages and toss out any old strings. Clean them up, if necessary. Then post ads on social media to get the word out there.
You can sell instruments pretty much anywhere and high school kids and their parents would be pretty thankful for the cheap, working instrument. Nextdoor, Facebook, and even the newspaper are all great places to sell an instrument in no time!
Outdoor Equipment
DVD and CDs

If you're stuck in the past and still clinging to your beloved CDs and DVDs, it’s time to cut that cord and join the streaming revolution. Unless they are an integral part of your personal collection, there's really no need to hold onto those discs anymore - after all, streaming is where it's at! But why not turn that nostalgic burden into a nice side hustle?
Selling off your CD and DVD collection may not net you millions, but if you put in a bit of effort, you'll definitely make some extra cash! Save yourself some space in the meantime too, as parting with these discs will clear up some much-needed room for things that actually get used.
Power Tools
Board Games

Candyland might have been fun when your kids were six, but something tells me you're not playing it on a regular basis anymore. Donating old board games to someone who will actually use them is much better than letting them collect dust in your house.
But if you've got games with missing pieces, don't be afraid to just toss them right in the garbage. Those aren't going to be fun for anyone.
Film Projectors

As the years go by, the likelihood of you having an old film projector lying around decreases dramatically. But if you're one of the 12 people who still have one, it's time to say goodbye.
Don't toss your old home movies too, though! They can be digitized so that you and your loved ones can continue to enjoy them for years to come.
Musty Towels

Hopefully, by retirement age, we’ve figured out that towels need to be replaced after a few years. They get used, abused, and more often than not…washed completely wrong. Before you know it, you’ve got ratty-looking towels that absolutely no one wants to use.
Any person with half a brain knows when it’s time to get new towels…it’s not finding new ones that are the hard part, it’s letting go of the old ones. Every time we’re faced with ditching those old towels we come up with some excuses to keep them. Plot twist, you don’t need 32 towels to clean up those big messes…just a couple.
That Old Camera Recorder

Before the age of the smartphone, we all had those crazy video cameras that we filmed family holidays and get-togethers on. At the time, you could videotape right onto VHS so that you can enjoy your home movies! If you’re still recording on your video camera in hopes to keep all the footage together, don’t and we’ll tell you why.
Take your footage to a film specialist and have it saved digitally so you can have it on your computer for good. Then start videotaping on your smartphone! We understand the value of having your precious memories on something tangible, but why don’t we upgrade from a VHS tape to a DVD?
Old VHS Tapes

Unless you’re a certified film specialist chances are you don’t need all those VHS tapes cluttering up your closet. Get rid of them asap! They’re just taking up space and gathering dust. We love old movies as much as the next person, but now with this wonderful thing called streaming, those movies are a click away.
Beef up your internet package and subscribe to Amazon Prime Video and you can rent or buy pretty much every movie known to man! If you purchase the movie, it’s available at any time in your personal library on Amazon. This free’s up space in your house and also clears the clutter.
Everything in that Junk Drawer

Every house has one, that drawer full of random things that just happen to pile up there over time. Sometimes that drawer overflows and becomes two junk drawers! That’s how you know it’s becoming a problem. Retirement is all about cutting back and cutting down, so this is a great opportunity.
Chances are, you haven’t touched 90% of that stuff in that drawer. Keep the things that are really important, organize whatever you can, and get rid of the stuff you can’t. If you haven’t touched it in six months, it doesn’t deserve space in your drawer.

Servingware is one of those things that everyone gives as a gift. Miraculously, you look up one day at a mountain of platters, Corning ware, and dishes and think to yourself “How did this happen?” All those years of birthday parties and Christmas gifts were dumped into one cabinet, that’s how that happened.
Our advice to you is to take them all out of the cabinet, and if they dust on them…take them to your local donation center for someone else to use. Now, we all have our favorite pieces for when we are using our nice china, definitely keep those, but the rest need to find a new place to call home.
Anything That’s Not Yours

Retirement is a time when you can finally be all about yourself. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do, don’t talk to anyone you don’t want to talk to, and don’t be bothered by things that aren’t worth your time. It’s nice to allow someone (even family) to store their stuff in your space…but not after retirement.
No one really wants to be bothered by someone else’s stuff, most really don’t even want to be bothered by their own! If you’re holding on to your sibling, or child’s belongings, it’s time to make that phone call. Retirement is a time to downsize, and that doesn’t leave much room for someone else’s stuff in your house.
Office Supplies

It’s always smart to have your own office supplies around the house. You never know when you need to print something, staple some papers together, or mail a letter. However, after retirement, you may consider cutting down on your office supplies, especially if you were working out of your house.
Keep the essentials around, but the rest can go. Keep your office supplies to a minimum so that you can have what you need without the typical clutter that office supplies bring to a space. A small desk for your computer and one drawer of office supplies is all you need.
Fake Plants

Those fake ficus trees and ivy plants that became popular in the ‘90s need to go. We know it feels luxurious to have wonderful greenery in your home, however, silk plants are not the way to get that earthy look. Fake plants do nothing for your environment but take up space and collect dust.
Plants can bring life to any space, but fake plants do something completely opposite. They just look dingy and dead. Now that you’re retired, you have the time to devote a little extra T.L.C. to a plant friend to brighten up your space. Consider getting something easy at first like a golden pothos or a Chinese evergreen.
Lunch Boxes

The days of packing your lunch before you have to punch a clock are over! Thank goodness. So, all those lunch pales may need to go find new homes. The chances you’ll ever use those little lunch pales again are pretty slim, so don’t hold on to them.
We know it’s hard to let go of something that was once so useful, but like all good things, they’re good for a time and then it’s time to let them go. That trusty lunch box was by your side for probably decades, and it might be a little bitter-sweet to let go of, but we promise you’ll love the free’s up storage space.
Keepsakes You Don’t Care About Anymore

Being a sentimental person is a great attribute. It’s great to remember the past, and oftentimes little items can help us do that. But, at some point, we may have too many of those little keepsakes, and the sweet memories of the past start becoming more of a burden.
Here’s a little secret, your memories aren’t kept to those little keepsakes, your memories are in your heart! We’re not saying to get rid of all your precious trinkets, but if a few don’t bring the same joy that they used to, maybe consider passing them down to your children.
Bulky Old TVs

Holding on to that TV you bought in 2003? Can we ask you one question? Great, why though? TVs were seriously overpriced twenty years ago, so we understand the sentiment of holding on to a significant investment in your entertainment. However, times have changed and you can pick up a decent TV for a pretty fair price.
Besides, when your eyeballs can enjoy better picture quality and all the perks of a smart TV, you’re going to be asking yourself, “why in the world did I not do this sooner?” If you’re not currently using your old TV, but you’re holding onto it for a rainy day, this is your permission to go ahead and drop that puppy off at the donation center.