Drinks being poured at a home bar

6 Reasons You Absolutely Need a Home Bar

Whether it's a small stand with all the appropriate tools for simple drinks or a full bar that rivals the local watering holes, having a home bar is important for health, social, and legal reasons. Here are six reasons to make a bar part of your home.

  1. No possibility of tainted drinks or ingredients. When you do your drinking at home, you don't need to be concerned about date-rape drugs, expired mixers, or botulism in the fruit. You prepare everything and know that your drink is pure and safe to enjoy.
  2. No drinking and driving. When you go out to a bar, you take the risk of being pulled over and charged with driving while intoxicated. Even being over the legal limit by a tiny fraction can be a catastrophe. Your vehicle could be impounded and you may be put in jail, on top of being cited for thousands of dollars in fines. A home bar solves this issue entirely. If friends stop by for drinks, they can stay and have a snack with you until they are safe to drive home.
  3. You'll always have your preferred drink in stock. Public bars have been known to top their bottles with water, leaving you with an expensive and unsatisfying drink. Of course, that's assuming they have your preferred brand in stock at all. Avoid this problem entirely by having your own alcohol at home.
  4. It's a financially prudent move. Unless you only drink during happy hours that offer rock-bottom prices, drinking at a public bar is expensive. Snacks and tips also add up on your tab. Drinking at home saves you a ton of money over the course of a year.
  5. You will not have to deal with strangers. If you live in a rowdy neighborhood, going to the public bar for a few nips after work could find you being involved in a brawl or a witness to criminal activity. Others find that going to a public bar is an invitation for every smooth talking pick up artist in the place to sidle up and start flirting. A home bar is your own controlled environment.
  6. A home bar is far more sanitary than a public pub. Everything from the toilets to the glasses may not be clean in a public bar. This opens you up to everything from the common cold to a nasty staph infection or worse. If you value your health, a home bar is an excellent option.

Setting up a bar inside your home is an excellent choice. Not only will it save you money, it can also save you legal fees and health care expenses. Solitude and a relaxing environment are also important factors to consider.

Last Updated: September 11, 2014