Woman cooking a turkey and staying stress free.

6 Tips For Having A Stress-Free Thanksgiving

Everyone knows that the holidays are the most stressful time of year. Here are six tips to help you handle the stress of cooking and managing your family members so you can enjoy the holiday without losing your cool.

Plan Your Guest List

First things first, know who is coming so you can plan accordingly. You need a definite head count so you know how much to put on your grocery list, how to set up your table, and how much to cook. The general rule to go by: more is better. If you have six guests coming, cook for ten. You never know when someone will show up with a new boyfriend, roommate, or tag-along friend, so prepare yourself now.

Plan Your Menu Now

Of course there are the Thanksgiving staples, but you will still need to make a Thanksgiving menu and plan ahead for it. This will help you in the grocery store as well. If you plan your menu early, you can account for any food allergies your guests may have, any preferences that are held, and you’ll know how to attack the plan the day of since you’ll already have an idea of what needs to be done.

Start Early

If you can make something the night before, do it the night before. Pop the deviled eggs into the refrigerator the night before and take them out right before it’s time to eat. This will save you a lot of headaches the day of the big event. Make sure your turkey is defrosted ahead of time and go shopping as many days in advance as possible to avoid the Thanksgiving crowds.

Share The Responsibilities

Don’t try to do this by yourself. Pass out the to-do list to your family members. Have Aunt Nora bring the dessert and ask Grandpa Dennis to bring some soft drinks or appetizers. If you’re the host, you’re already doing the hard part so let others help you out by bringing certain dishes or helping you with the guest list.

Go To Bed On Time

Nobody can make a beautiful turkey and dressing dinner without adequate sleep. Make sure you give yourself enough time the night before Thanksgiving to relax, wind down, and get a good night’s sleep. This will ensure that you are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next day so you are in a good mood. Nothing will spoil a day that’s meant for gratitude like a sleepless night.

Don’t Forget The Snacks

Nothing is worse than a hungry, angry crowd. Before you ever start cooking the Thanksgiving feast, prepare some snacks for everyone to munch on during the day. You can buy some already prepared snacks, or make some the night before, but it’s always best to stay fueled during the day while you’re working hard in the kitchen.

Last Updated: March 29, 2016