a home gym with treadmill, elliptical,and free weights

Creating a Home Gym

Home gyms are a popular exercise alternative that can provide great results if you stay consistent and motivated. Follow these tips to design the best home gym for your personal use.

Purchase Useful Equipment

To make your home gym efficient and productive, make sure to have a variety of pieces of equipment to ensure the most comprehensive total body workout possible.

Cardio Equipment

Cardio equipment including a treadmills, elliptical machines, rowing machines, or stationary bikes are essential to have in your home gym. Treadmills can be used to burn an incredible amount of calories through running or walking. If you have joint problems, however, you may want to invest in a lower impact piece of equipment such as an elliptical, rowing machine, or bike. These all provide a great workout for your heart while lessening the force on your body. If you can afford multiple pieces of cardio equipment, purchase two products that offer complementary benefits. This will allow you to switch off between the two to avoid boredom while still maintaining a high level of cardio activity.

Strength Training

In addition to cardio equipment, make sure to invest in lifting equipment as well. Purchase a set of free weights with adjustable plates to achieve a total body strength workout conveniently and affordably. You should also purchase an affordable weight bench to encourage proper posture while lifting. Look up specific exercises on the Internet to strengthen your arms, legs, back, and abdominals with your gym equipment.

Designate a Specific Location

If you are considering the construction of a home gym, make sure that you have a specific location designated for your exercise equipment. Having a few cardio machines and some weights in your bedroom might be acceptable for the short term, but you will want a more defined space for long term exercise goals. Designate a spot in your basement or garage as your home gym and structure it to look like a personal gym. Position your equipment on mats or rugs, and motivationally decorate the space to ensure its continual use.

Imagine a Motivational Design

In addition to having adequate equipment in your home gym, you also need to provide yourself with visual motivation to keep going on those days when you would rather be doing anything besides exercise. Paint the walls of your exercise space a bright color, cover the walls with motivational quotes and posters, and post your fitness goals in visible areas. This will help motivate you to workout in your home gym on even the toughest of days.

It is possible to have a productive home gym and avoid paying high priced gym membership fees. Follow the above tips to construct a space that is motivational, productive, and affordable for you to use in achieving your fitness goals.