A can of soda sitting inside a mini fridge.

Do You Need a Mini Fridge in Your Dorm?

Will you need a mini fridge in your dorm room? Well, that depends on a few factors. Your meal plan, campus cafeteria hours, and personal preferences will dictate whether or not you will benefit from having a fridge in your dorm room. If your meal plan has a limit to how many meals you can eat in a day or week, or just through the whole year, then you will most likely need a mini fridge to hold some food to make quick meals. Even if you have an extensive meal plan, you need to consider your cafeteria hours. 

You’ll likely spend many nights studying late, and you’ll probably want to have a snack or cold beverage to get you through it, but if your cafeteria doesn’t stay open late then you’ll need another option. Without a mini fridge you will be limited to snacks like chips, granola bars, and other dry goods. You also won’t have a cold beverage to drink. In addition, think of your personal preferences when deciding to purchase or rent a mini fridge. If you don’t like any food or beverages that will need to be refrigerated then don’t worry about it. If you do however, then consider obtaining one. You can even choose a smaller mini fridge if you will only need it for a few items during the week.

Last Updated: July 30, 2015

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