Person using phone while looking at a laptop screen

How to Reverse Lookup Phone Numbers

Have you ever received a call from an unknown number, and you’re unsure whether you should answer it? This happens to all of us, and we’re left wondering who it could be. Instead of fretting and worrying that you missed something important, reverse lookup the phone number to find out whose number it is.

You might wonder if this process is complicated, but it isn’t! White Pages, a partner site of Yellow Pages, helps you find out who has been calling you. You can learn where the owner of the number lives and which carrier the number belongs to, such as T-Mobile or AT&T, at no cost.

Alternatively, you can use to find the location of someone who may be dialing your number. This website tells you the area code, carrier, and the city and state where the person lives. It may also give a general location where the phone’s GPS was last activated.

If you need a little bit more information, you can use PeopleSmart to learn more. The process doesn’t take long, and it tells you the name of the person calling you, his or her address, past address, and much more for just $9.95. If you receive many random calls, you can subscribe for $19.99 per month and get unlimited contact reports for everyone who calls you.

Last Updated: March 14, 2016

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