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Items to Stock Up On Before Wintery Weather

Canned Goods

Canned Goods

Canned goods are a great option to have on hand during a snowstorm. They have a long shelf life and can provide important nutrients and sustenance in case of power outages or limited access to fresh food.

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Batteries and Flashlights

Batteries and Flashlights

Be sure to stock up on plenty of batteries and flashlights before a big snowstorm. These items will come in handy if the power goes out!

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Shovel and Ice Melt

Shovel and Ice Melt

Make sure you have a shovel and some ice melt (or salt!) on hand for clearing driveways and walkways after the snow stops falling.

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During a snowstorm, you may find yourself snacking more than usual out of boredom or stress. Make sure to have some healthy snack options available, such as nuts, dried fruits, popcorn, and granola bars.

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Household Essentials

Household Essentials

Toilet paper is one household item that often gets overlooked until it's too late; make sure you have enough to get through the days or weeks stuck inside! Paper towels are another essential household item to keep stocked for cleaning up messes. And of course, with cold and flu season in full swing, it's always a good idea to have plenty of tissues on hand.

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Canned Jams and Sauces

Canned Jams and Sauces

Having canned or jarred sauces in your pantry is a smart move before a big storm. They can add flavor to meals made with non-perishable items (or crackers!) and make them more enjoyable.

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Crackers and Bread

Crackers and Bread

Crackers and bread are essential items to have during a snow storm as they can be used as snacks or meal accompaniments. Plus, they have a long shelf life so you don't have to worry about them going bad if you get stuck inside for an extended period of time.

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Pasta and Rice

Pasta and Rice

It's always a good idea to stock up on non-perishable food items before a big snowstorm hits. This includes canned goods, dried pasta and rice, and other shelf-stable items that can last for an extended period of time.

Frozen Fruits and Veggies

Frozen Fruits and Veggies

When stocking up for a big snow storm, it's always a good idea to have some frozen fruits and veggies on hand. These items are not only nutritious, but they also have a longer shelf life than fresh produce. Plus, they can easily be added to soups, stews, and other meals for a boost of vitamins and minerals.

Blankets and Warm Clothing

Blankets and Warm Clothing

Having extra blankets on hand can come in handy if the power goes out and you need to stay warm. And of course, it's always a good idea to have winter gear like hats, gloves, and boots ready to go in case of an emergency.

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Frozen Meals and Frozen Pizza

Frozen Meals and Frozen Pizza

Let's face it, during a snowstorm you likely won't feel like cooking elaborate meals. That's where frozen meals come in handy. Stock up on some of your favorites so you can have a quick and easy meal option when the weather outside is frightful.

Another great frozen food option to have on hand is pizza. It's a crowd-pleaser and can easily be heated up in the oven or microwave.

Bottled Water

Bottled Water

Last but certainly not least, make sure to stock up on water before a big snow storm. You never know when your water supply may be affected by the weather, so it's always better to be safe than sorry and have plenty of clean drinking water available.

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and Tea

If you're someone who needs their daily caffeine fix, make sure to stock up on coffee or tea before the storm hits. You don't want to be stuck without your morning cup of joe!

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Extra Cash

Extra Cash

In case of power outages affecting ATMs and credit card machines, it's always good to have extra cash on hand.

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Instant Noodles

Instant Noodles

Instant noodles are perfect for stocking up on before a snow storm because they require minimal preparation and can be combined with other ingredients—think sausage, shrimp, hard-boiled eggs, veggies—for a hearty meal.

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Before you get home with all your emergency essentials, don't forget about filling up your car with gas in case of any necessary evacuations! The last thing you want is to be stuck with an empty tank, especially if you don't live near fill-up stations.

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Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Supplies

Having some basic cleaning supplies, like all-purpose cleaners and disinfectant wipes, can help you keep your home clean during the storm.

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Personal Hygiene Items

Personal Hygiene Items

It's always important to stock up on personal hygiene items before any type of emergency situation, including snow storms. Make sure you have enough toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, feminine hygiene products, and other essential items to last you through the storm.

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Frozen Meat and Seafood

Frozen Meat and Seafood

If you have access to a working freezer, it's wise to stock up on frozen meat and seafood before the storm hits. These items can last for months in the freezer and provide protein options when fresh meat may not be available at the store.

Prescription Medications

Prescription Medications

If you take any prescription medications, ensure you have enough on hand to last through the storm's duration.

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

It's always important to have a well-stocked first aid kit in case of any accidents or injuries during the storm.

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Baby and Pet Essentials

Baby and Pet Essentials

If you have little ones, make sure you have enough diapers, formula, and other essential items to last through the storm. And don't forget about your furry friends! Make sure you have enough pet food stocked up for your pets during the snowstorm.

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Emergency Kit

Emergency Kit

In addition to stocking up on household essentials like batteries and flashlights, it's important to have an emergency kit stocked with other emergency needs, like a battery-powered radio, portable charger, matches, and a basic toolkit. This will come in handy if the power goes out or you’re unable to leave your house for an extended period of time.

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Fresh Produce: Apples, Oranges, and Long-Lasting Fruits

Fresh Produce: Apples, Oranges, and Long-Lasting Fruits

While frozen fruits and veggies are great to have on hand, don't forget about fresh produce as well. Apples, oranges, carrots, and celery all have a longer shelf life and can provide important nutrients during an extended period of time indoors.

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Fresh Produce: Root and Cruciferous Vegetables

Fresh Produce: Root and Cruciferous Vegetables

Root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and onions as well as cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts have a longer shelf life than other produce options. Stocking up on these will ensure you have some nutritious options during the snowstorm.

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Board Games, Cards, and Books

Board Games, Cards, and Books

In case of power outages or boredom, having some board games, cards, and books on hand can provide entertainment for the whole family.

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Cereal and Oatmeal

Cereal and Oatmeal

Cereal and oatmeal are great items to stock up on before a big snowstorm hits. They're easy to prepare and can provide a quick and filling breakfast option when the roads are too dangerous to venture out for groceries.

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Shelf-Stable Milk or Plant-Based Alternatives

Shelf-Stable Milk or Plant-Based Alternatives

It's always a good idea to have some shelf-stable milk or plant-based alternatives on hand in case of a snowstorm. These can be used for cereal, coffee, or cooking without the need for refrigeration.

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Candles can provide light and warmth during a snowstorm, so stock up on some before the power goes out. And don't forget to grab some matches or lighters!

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Propane or Charcoal for Grills

Propane or Charcoal for Grills

If you have a gas or charcoal grill, make sure you have enough fuel to cook food in case of power outages.

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