A bible and cross being used during Lenten season.

Lenten Sacrifice: 4 Tips for Success

During Lenten season, we sacrifice vices, luxuries, or habit. If you’re practicing religiously, this sacrifice is to become closer to Christ and to prepare for Easter. Practicing secularly, the purpose is simply self-improvement. Both of these pursuits are noble and worth keeping your promises for. But, depending on what you’ve chosen to give up, this might be easier said than done. So how can you be sure to stick to your Lenten promise? Consult the tips below:

  1. Be mindful of your goal.
    The easiest way to abandon a resolution is to just forget about it. The best way to avoid this mistake is to always keep it in mind. Each morning, afternoon, and evening, try to remember what it is you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Being in the right mindset is paramount in keeping a Lenten promise.
  2. Don’t go overboard.
    Perhaps the best way to ensure that you can stick with your sacrifice is to make sure that it isn’t impossible in the first place. Depending on the severity and type of habit, quitting one cold turkey can be dangerous or next to impossible. If you’re seriously addicted to coffee for example, dropping from 5 cups a day to 0 can cause headaches, tremors, or other flu-like symptoms. So, while quitting caffeine may be worth doing, it might be better done in stages and not for Lent.
  3. Cultivate Some Accountability.
    Oh, what would we do without social pressure? One of the best ways to stick to any resolution is to tell others that you’ve made it. Don’t talk someone’s ear off about Lent if you can help it, but tell your friends and family what you’ve chosen to give up. That way, they’ll be sure to occasionally ask and remind you. You’ll also have the fear of facing those you told about your promise should you end up breaking it, and who wants that?
  4. Remind Yourself.
    No one can motivate you better than you, nor does anyone know your struggles better. For those reasons, leaving yourself some notes and other personalized reminders can be hugely beneficial. Keep a sticky note on your door, your coffee maker, your fridge—any or all the places you’ll see it. This note can be just a simple reminder or offer a bit of motivation. However you choose to do it, having these reminders can make the difference between completing the Lenten season strong or caving in and failing. 
Last Updated: February 23, 2015