Man discussing how diet can improve his migraine pain with a doctor.

Migraines: Diet Dos and Don'ts

For migraine sufferers, diet can play another important role in your life besides maintaining your weight. There are foods out there that can cause you to have a migraine, and also foods that can ease your pain. In addition to medications, you should consider refining your diet to help manage your migraine pain. The best part about controlling migraines with food is that, unlike drugs, there are no side effects.

Avoid These Foods

The list of foods that may cause migraine headaches is quite long, and it may be difficult to cut them out of your diet completely. Yet, if you try to refrain from eating these food items as much as possible, you may reduce the frequency and duration of your migraines. One of the main foods you should avoid is aged cheese. Aged cheese contains a substance called tyramine, which is a known headache trigger. Other foods that contain tyramine include: red wine, liquor, and some processed meats.

Food additives (or preservatives), such as nitrates, are also responsible for triggering migraines. These additives are found in many processed foods, especially deli meats. So, next time you make a sandwich, opt for unprocessed, grilled chicken breast instead of slices of turkey, ham, or chicken. Foods such as bacon, hot dogs, and sausage also contain high amounts of nitrates, so try to avoid those as much as possible. Pay attention to what you eat and when you have pain in order to learn what causes your migraine headaches.

Eat These Foods

In general, eating a low-fat diet decreases your risk for migraines, so only 10-15% of your daily calories should come from fats. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Whole grain toast has also been shown to help ease migraine pain because it is rich in carbohydrates, which provides your brain with nutrition and energy. Caffeine, surprisingly, can work as a migraine treatment. Though it can trigger migraines in some people, it causes the opposite effect in others. Figure out which effect caffeine has on you by keeping a journal after you consume it.

Don’t get the wrong idea that your diet has to be extremely limited if you want to prevent migraines; there is still a wide variety of foods that you should be able to eat pain-free. Non-citrus fruits, cooked vegetables, and brown rice are all great for reducing migraine pain. You can still consume some fresh cheeses, such as mozzarella and cream cheese, to satisfy your dairy cravings. Flavor up your food with pain-fighting herbs, such as ginger and garlic. Always keep track of what foods trigger your migraines and what foods help, then you’ll greatly decrease your pain and discomfort in no time.