When you get your own place, you expect the most expensive purchases to be things like couches and TVs. You don’t anticipate just how expensive it can be to buy all of the various pots and pans you’ll need to feed yourself. FYI: that stuff is expensive. This often leads to you buying fewer items, skipping the ones you don’t think you’ll need, and choosing cheaper brands that frequently have a shorter lifespan than the more expensive options.
Despite the financial struggle, it’s important that you choose high-quality cooking utensils that will fill your cooking needs. If you can find an item that can work for various types of dishes, that's just a bonus. The Mastrad O'Plancha Griddle fits the bill perfectly. This griddle is different from others on the market because it’s more versatile. The Mastrad O’Plancha can be used on your stove top, over an open flame, on a grill, and even in the oven. No matter what new recipe you’re trying out, the Mastrad O’Plancha can help craft a perfect meal.
As an Oven
The Mastrad O’Plancha can be used in an oven, but it can also be used as an oven. If you want to make some mini pizzas on your stove top, you can easily do that without fear of burning yourself. As an oven, you can also use it to heat up veggies; bake meat, chicken, and fish; and even simply keep food warm while you wait to serve dinner. It also has an attached thermometer so you can monitor the temperature under the cover up to 572°F.
As a Griddle
The design of the Mastrad O’Plancha is what makes it such a great item to have in your kitchen. The lid is detachable, so you can use it as a normal griddle. Since it doesn’t have a high edge it’s easy for you to flip items to cook on both sides. You’ll never end up with a busted fried egg or pancake blob when you cook on the Mastrad O’Plancha. You have a full range of motion when using Mastrad O’Plancha as a griddle.
In addition to not having cumbersome sides, the Mastrad O’Plancha has a ridge along the edge to catch any juice or liquid that might run off as you cook. This keeps things from getting messy, and there’s a handy baster included to make it easy to remove the liquid while you cook.
As a Smoker
The Mastrad O’Plancha comes with a smoking rack that can be placed on top of the griddle. Simply place your protein on the rack, and close the oven lid. You can use it as a smoker on top of your stove, on your grill if you want to keep certain food items separate, and even over a fire should you be camping. With the addition of the smoking rack, there’s really nothing that the Mastrad O’Plancha can’t help you cook.
The Mastrad O’Plancha can be purchased for $120, but that’s not as expensive as it sounds when you consider all of the various ways you can use it. It would cost you more than that to buy a griddle, a mini oven, and a smoker. It’s made of aluminum and stainless steel and is dishwasher safe (as all things should be). For the cost you get all of the following items included:
- Griddle Base
- Removable Oven Lid
- Mini Baster
- Smoking Rack
- Pot Holders
If you’re looking for a versatile cooking tool, Mastrad O’Plancha is just the item. You can cook with it practically anywhere, and it gives you a great surface to make some creative new dishes with ease.