solar panels being installed on a roof

The Truth about Solar Panels and Energy Efficiency

Solar panels are devices that allow you to harvest energy from the sun to satisfy your electrical needs. These panels are full of photovoltaic cells which convert sunshine into electricity. A group of these cells packaged together and connected electrically is what we typically refer to as a solar panel.

Solar Panel Cost

It’s quite common to see solar panels on certain devices, like calculators or atop flashing road signs. However, these energy saving panels are popping up all over the place as improvements in the technology have led to better affordability. Still, investing in solar panels can be a costly venture.

Homeowners concerned with energy efficiency have taken a keen interest in solar panels, as using them in your home can significantly decrease your dependence on energy from your utilities provider. Home solar panels are becoming a more and more common way for individuals to save on energy costs. However, installation of these panels can be extremely costly. Depending on your energy goals, installing home solar panels can cost around $10,000.

Solar Panel Installation

If you are seriously considering installing solar panels, do your research and you might save some money. Several states offer tax incentives for energy efficient homes and some utility companies even offer rebates. You can also search online for some ways to create your own solar panels for use in your home. Typically, these home-made versions won’t be quite as efficient as professional-grade panels, but they will save you money on installation. It isn’t a simple installation process, however, so make sure to do your research thoroughly.

Solar Panel Capabilities

People often overestimate the abilities of solar panels. It’s nearly impossible and extremely expensive to make a residence rely solely on solar power, especially in a larger home. A solar panel the size of a normal table might power your television and laptop, but definitely not your whole house. Most likely, you’ll still end up paying an electric bill if you put up the money for solar panels. However, this bill will be significantly less than it would be without these panels.

If you’re serious about energy efficiency, solar panels are something to consider. With them you can harness your own source of renewable energy and lessen your impact on the environment. Many people believe a solar revolution will take place sometime soon, which would mean increased production, which would mean reduced price. Until then, however, you’ll probably need to spend big to save big.

Last Updated: February 05, 2016