A man in a harness using a chainsaw to cut off the branch of a tree

What to Expect From Tree Removal Services

Trees are beautiful things that give humans so much. However, they’re sometimes a little annoying. If a tree dies or sustains some kind of damage, it can be an unsightly addition to a yard. Sometimes trees can grow too big, or they can grow in a way that they could become dangerous to homes, infrastructure, vehicles, and other buildings. If that’s the case, then sometimes the best thing to do is to remove the tree altogether.

Getting a tree removed usually isn’t an everyday process for most people, so just what can you expect with this kind of thing? Well, this should give you an idea.

The Basics

Tree removals usually follow a pretty basic process, but they can be different thanks to a few particular factors such as the size of the tree and the tree’s location. For example, if a tree is away from buildings and standing alone, it will be much easier to remove than a tree that’s surrounded by buildings.

There are two central methods for removing trees, and they depend on the location of the tree. If a tree is all alone and has ample space, it may be cut down in one piece. The tree trunk would be cut from the direction it needs to fall in, and once it’s down, it will be cut into smaller pieces.

The second method is for trees that are close to buildings and other structures. In cases where the tree is close to buildings or powerlines, it’s scaled, and branches are cut off individually, starting from the top and moving down.

The price of tree removals will vary widely depending on the job, you can expect to start at a couple hundred for a simple job (a small tree by itself), but that can quickly rise to a few thousand. You can also usually count on extra costs if you’re wanting the stump removed or ground down. For an exact amount, you’ll have to talk with your chosen tree remover.

Services Offered

In order to know exactly what’s offered, you’ll have to ask your chosen removal service, but most places offer at least some of the following:

  • Tree Removal: this covers the removal of diseased, pest-infested, dead, or problem trees.
  • Tree and Shrub Pruning and Trimming: if you’ve got overgrown shrubs or tree limbs, then seeking out a removal company to help could take care of the problem.
  • Stump Grinding and Removal: getting the stump ground down or completely removed.
  • Land and Lot Clearing: most removal companies will offer some form of land/lot clearing to remove unwanted trees from your property.
  • Cabling or Bracing: if a tree grows asymmetrically, then it won’t be able to support itself. Cabling and bracing provide your tree with extra support to keep it standing upright and getting it to grow in the right way.
  • Deadwooding: trimming and removing dead wood off of trees. Branches die over time, and once they’re dead, they can be dangerous to the surrounding area.
Last Updated: December 06, 2019