Engagement Rings: Getting More for Less

An engagement ring is a sign of love, affection and commitment, but sometimes, gathering all of the information together to make the right choice can be difficult. We're told that the measure of love can be determined by the amount spent, the size of the stone, and other things, but the truth is that the best engagement ring is the one that delights the recipient. You don’t have to empty your bank account to demonstrate your love and commitment.


How much do you want to spend on your ring? You know your finances better than anyone else, and though there are formulas that to tell you what's “appropriate”, the budget is really up to you. Stick to the amount you’re comfortable spending, and the right person will understand and respect that.

Vintage or Modern

While a wedding band is typically a simple golden ring, an engagement ring is something that can be chosen to suit the bride. Some brides would love a modern ring, while others crave a ring from an earlier time period. Choosing a vintage ring can really show the recipient how well you know them, especially if it’s a style that they adore. Modern rings, on the other hand, tend to be simpler and a good fit for a no-frills recipient.

Alternate Stones

Engagement rings don’t have to be full of diamonds. Diamonds are lovely, but the tradition of using them for engagement rings goes back less than 100 years. There is no reason that you can’t choose a different stone. Sapphires and rubies are gorgeous stones that many people like, and you can choose moissanite when you want something clear with an impressive sparkle, but with a smaller price tag. If you love diamonds but also crave color, considered colored diamonds, which range from a lovely tea brown to pink to blue to yellow.

Heirloom Rings

When you know that you are going to be proposing soon, look around in both of your families for heirloom rings. Heirloom rings may be passed down from a mother, a grandmother, or some other member of the family, and they are a fantastic way to bind two families together. An heirloom ring may need to be resized or even refined to fit a current style. Some heirloom rings may be a little more than a modern recipient is prepared to deal with, so even taking the metal and the stones and turning them into another ring entirely is an excellent option.

Consider Shopping Together

Some people love the idea of a surprise proposal, but if you don't have your heart set on it, you can go shopping for engagement rings together. After all, this is a piece of jewelry that the recipient will be wearing for years to come, so give them a say in it.

Last Updated: April 10, 2015