A woman discusses her couple's therapy session with a friend after her husband agreed she may talk to others about it.

Should You Discuss Couple's Therapy with Others

Making the decision to attend couple’s therapy is not easy. Often, this choice means that you are willing to attempt reconciliation with your significant other and delve into problem solving with the help of a mediator. This is a deeply personal matter, and it can be difficult to discern whether it’s appropriate to share with friends and family.

In couple’s therapy, partners work toward a common goal with the help of a therapist. Since this topic is sensitive, before you consider discussing aspects of your therapy experience with friends and family, it is best to consult your significant other to iron his or her privacy expectations. Initiating a discussion about your partner’s wishes, as well as your own, is a great place to start. Revealing private information with others, even those who are close to you, can be devastating to your partner and feel like a breach of trust if not agreed upon beforehand.

After receiving the go-ahead from your significant other, when you are considering whether or not to tell a friend or family member about your experiences in couple’s therapy, it’s best to start with a simple question. How close and involved in your life is this person? If you feel comfortable sharing and feel that it would be beneficial to them in some way, you may be more inclined to discuss your thoughts and experience with therapy in an effort to help a person who is close to you.

Of course, if you feel the need to confide in another person who is not your significant other, you need to use sound judgment to avoid making rash decisions that may have an negative impact on your relationship with your partner. If you are experiencing negative emotions toward your significant other as a result of couple’s therapy, consider private therapy sessions. These one-on-one appointments allow you to navigate the tumultuous waters of individual issues you may have encountered during your experience.

Sometimes, those close to us can notice a change in the way we are conducting ourselves. If you feel that couple’s therapy is having an effect on the way you consult yourself on a daily basis, it may not surprise you to be asked outright if you are attending couple’s therapy. If you are not comfortable responding, it is fine to express that it’s not something you wish to discuss. Most will appreciate your honestly and respect your desire for discretion.

Couple’s therapy is a deeply personal experience. Depending on your privacy preferences, you may feel that talking about your experience with those who are close to you is beneficial. Everyone’s experience is different, and there is no right or wrong approach to making a decision about sharing your experiences in therapy with others. Your therapist may have suggestions on how to handle the choice to share your couple's therapy experience with those you trust.

Last Updated: September 06, 2024