Two people holding hands through prison cell bars

Why Women Seek Romantic Relationships with Inmates

Some women seem to be drawn to men in prison, even to prisoners who are extremely violent. Some of us might wonder why, so following are a couple of reasons women seek out these men and begin a romantic relationship.

As sad as it may seem, these women may suffer from extremely low self-esteem. They don’t think very highly of themselves, and a relationship with an inmate is what they feel they deserve. This feeling is usually coupled with the fact that these women have a strong desire to be in a relationship. They may not feel complete if they’re not in a relationship, and most inmates are more than happy to have someone to help take care of them. Some inmates also take advantage of this situation.

Experts have also considered that women who date prisoners have a strong desire to “fix” someone. This concept isn’t rare. Many people have a desire to fix others and to help them succeed. It’s a well-documented phenomenon that especially occurs in women. Some experts have found that it’s a codependent system where one person sacrifices his or her own needs and becomes preoccupied with the other person. Again, this theory can lead back to the low-self esteem theory mentioned before.

Whether it’s because these women have low self-esteem or are on a search to fix the inmate, we’ll never know. Only the women who get involved with such men know the answer to this question. Looking back, most are confused by why they were infatuated in the first place, but the answer often traces back to self-esteem.

Last Updated: February 26, 2016

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