Quiz: Only Baby Boomers Can Pass This Quiz

Quiz: Only Baby Boomers Can Pass This Quiz. The Baby Boomer generation was one of the best, wasn’t it? It was a time when people would dress up if they were going outside, and everyone took pride in their work. Not that things are horrible now, but they were certainly better back in the day.
That being said, Baby Boomers also dealt with a lot of stuff that other generations didn’t have to endure. In fact, some of them lived through the Vietnam War! That’s a pretty shocking event to live through, wouldn't you say? Heck, Baby Boomers actually went through the invention of color television all the way to 3D television that we have now! Obviously, Baby Boomers have a lot of experience.
Like with other generations, there are certain things from their generation that only they can spot. Just like ‘90s kids grew up with Furbys, the Baby Boomer generation have their own toys. Today, we’re going to test your knowledge of what you know about the Baby Boomer generation.
These are questions that we’re betting only they can answer, but don’t worry! If you can’t answer them, then you probably just weren’t born in that era. Now get outta here, ya young whippersnapper and see if you can pass our quiz.

What was on television after 1 A.M.?

Where did Baby Boomers get milk?

Which president was assassinated during a Baby Boomer’s lifetime?

What type of seat did people want on their bicycle?

What type of school drills did Baby Boomers go through?

Which one of these characters was a popular TV character during the 1960s?

Sometimes phone calls went through a what?

How did most Baby Boomers find phone numbers?

Refrigerators were often called what?

What was banned on television?

What did nurses wear?

Stamps were what?