1. Anton Chigurh ('No Country for Old Men')

Don’t let the bad haircut fool you, Anton Chigurh is not a man to cross paths with. He is guided only by is own, skewed moral code, and he has absolutely no problem showing you how much you have to lose in a coin toss.
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2. Colonel Kurtz ('Apocalypse Now')

Even when he isn’t on screen, Colonel Kurtz’s presence can be felt throughout the film. Marlon Brando has created several memorable characters, but this one is definitely the most terrifying, especially his brilliantly improvised speech.
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3. Norman Osborn ('Spider-Man')

Norman Osborn is the quintessential “mad scientist turned villain” that will stop at nothing to bring down our favorite web-slinger. Soul crushing eyes and a bone-chilling voice add to his supervillain prowess!
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4. Darth Vader ('Star Wars')

While Star Wars has created many memorable characters, none of them can outshine Darth Vader. Whether it's his booming voice or his ability to choke those who cross him with his mind, Darth Vader is one of the most frightening characters in cinema history!
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5. Hannibal Lecter ('The Silence of the Lambs')

It's no wonder Anthony Hopkins took home the Academy Award for this role, even with a relatively small amount of time spent on screen. This brilliant serial killer still haunts our nightmares to this day!
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6. Magneto ('X-Men')

With his troubled past and witty observations of society, it’s hard not to identify with Magneto. His complex philosophies are centered around his oppressed race rising up from their place at the bottom of the social class system. Who can disagree with that?
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7. John Doe ('Se7en')

His heinous crimes don’t exactly make you empathize with John Doe, but you can’t help but be on the edge of your seat to see what he will do next. He can even give valid reasons while explaining his sinister plots.
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8. T-1000 ('Terminator 2: Judgement Day')

This liquid metal assassin has become one of the most menacing presences to hit the silver screen. He may not have the physical magnitude of Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he is certainly more frightening.
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9. Loki ('Thor')

Maybe it’s because he’s played by Tom Hiddleston, but Loki is an extremely likable villain. His manipulative ways and shady schemes make him seem like something out of a Shakespearean play!
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10. The Joker ('Dark Night')

While many villains plan on stopping after they get paid-off, The Joker can’t be swayed by monetary gain. Anarchist views and a twisted sense of humor will always make The Joker an interesting case study.
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