Hiding in a Glass of Beer

Elves love hiding and spooking people with their sudden appearances, so where else would your elf hide on St. Patty’s day but a glass of green beer? You may find her hiding in glass you’re using as a decoration, or she may surprise one of your guests by lurking in the bottom of their brew!
Chilling at the End of the Rainbow

Leprechauns are known for hiding their gold at the end of the rainbow, but if your elf gets there first, she’s probably going to lay claim to it. If there are any rainbows around your house, perhaps drawn by your child, you’re almost guaranteed to find an elf and an empty pot of gold at the end of it.
Getting a Kiss From Ken

Your elf wants a little love too, as she makes evident by wearing a tiny “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” t-shirt with a Ken planting a kiss on her cheek. Hopefully they keep the canoodling to a minimum if you have children, but if you don’t, don’t be surprised if things get a little more romantic as the day progresses.
Hiding in a Cloverpatch
Hanging Out in a Pile of Gold
Getting Tangled in Spun Gold
Creating a Four-Leaf Clover Out of Glitter

In the spirit of St. Patty’s Day, your elf may attempt to decorate by spilling green glitter all over the countertop and arranging it into a sparkly four-leaf clover. You’ll be cleaning up glitter for weeks after this one, but if no one else in your family decided to decorate, you can’t really blame her, can you?
Eating a Green Salad

After all those marshmallows and drinking a case of beer, your elf is probably going to feel a bit sick, and her remedy for this is to eat leafy greens. She doesn’t have very good table manners, so you’ll probably find her sitting at a tiny table on one of your dinner plates, surrounded by every green vegetable from your fridge.
Sorting Lucky Charms Marshmallows

Lucky Charms is the quintessential St. Patty’s Day breakfast, and your elf won’t be able to get enough of this tasty cereal. She separates the marshmallows (yum) from the cereal (yuck), so even though your kids will love his methods, you may end up with a lot of extra cereal after your elf and your kids go to town on the marshmallows.