Fishing for Compliments

Now that she is an expert at setting up his tackle, we have completely succumbed for her charm. She even took some time off during her vacation to rent a boat and go fishing. She proudly displayed her catch after she made her way down the pier in a bikini.
She draws some attention because no one else brings flippers with them. She lazes around for hours while she waits for the fish - without using those flippers. It is absurd to use flippers and a fishing pole. So, she always does. It's the best way to get attention! #Fishing
Fishy Face Make Over

How do you tell somebody their ugly without telling them their ugly? Tell them to hold up a fish to cover their face. Although we have to hand it to the little critter it wears that hat like a pro. If it's a catch and release, make sure to give the little one a copy of the photo.
That way he can use it on his Plenty of Fish app, 'cause he'll be a real catch with this picture. Not many fish can brag about having a dad bod and a spiffy hat. To add nothing says 'bad boy' better than a fashionable piercing in your mouth. What a catch!
Fin-teresting Reveal

This is a never-before-seen image that has emerged. It's astonishing to witness the world's most optimistic seagull having and epic stare down with the most sunburnt person on the planet. Just trying to imagine that this bird actually thinks that if she would catch even the smallest morsel that it could take on Lady-Sea-Crust in a head-to-head fight to the death, is mind boggling.
Then again, we could have it all wrong and this is not your average fishing trip, the appearance of a crust sailor may only be a ruse to lure the poor bird to its untimely demise. Perhaps her see through suit is the bait and what's she's fishing for is attention. Well, she got it. Caw!
Carp-e Diem

Nothing beats pretend fishing with pretend friends. Although the photo instructions might have been unclear since it was either fake excitement or count to twelve using only your fingers. We gotta say, they totally nailed it either way. We're glad they found a use for their great-great grandma's table cover.
However, getting wet is kinda one of those things you have to deal with, in the outdoors, on a dock, hanging your feet into the water. This looks like a making of a D rate horror movie where a bunch of blockheads go fishing in a cursed lake and get killed in their Miami beach attire.
Daring in Deep Water

There's a rising trend of catching big fish in bikinis to use as bait to catch an even bigger fish on the rise. Be careful out there everybody, because we all know the saying. If it smells fishy, there must have been some tuna in her lap, or something like that.
Her fishing skills must be off the hook since you can tell she wasn't out there long with a complexion of either sour cream or cooked lobster. All jokes aside remember to wear sunscreen if you're going to go out to sea, especially if you look like the ghost of Christmas past.
Oppor-tuna-ty Knocks

Classic, the good ol', hey take a picture of me taking a picture of a staged scene strikes again. As if that wasn't enough, the girl in the blue instead of helping out in reeling in (what we could only imagine is the cameraman's shoe) appears to be leaning into our brave fishing protagonist.
Perhaps this is an act of premeditated violence, or mayhaps an act of jealousy. After all her best friend caught a number 10 shoe and all she could ever land was a lowly 7 at best. Whatever the case, this dynamic string of events is well, if not excessively documented.
Give Her a Hand

Woah now that is a big ol' fish. It's a good thing you busted out your third arm for that otherwise things could have been gotten hairy. Remember when taking pictures of your prized catch to turn it away from the camera in case its camera shy, that's just good manners.
Plus you wouldn't want to compete with a gorgeous fish for attention, that's a no brainer. Keep in mind you're living in the age of fashion, and to accessorize accordingly. Here is our foolproof tip of the day make you pop on any occasion, just match the color of your hair to your glasses. You're welcome.

Welcome to the new meaning of business casual. Half of him has already embraced single life while the other half still struggles with the divorce settlement meetings. He has to be careful, because if he would get any closer to that body of water he might even be able to reel a sucker in.
He looks worried if he gets wet, he might manifest some flippers to add to his stunning walkway assemble. We can only hope he will be using this an online dating picture because nobody could argue with the "likes taking long walks on the beach and candlelight dinners, at the same time."
Not Koi at All

You are taught how to cast the line out and how to position your arms when you first learn how to fish. It appears that this woman intended to cast her line pretty far out into the ocean. Alas, she neglected to follow through with only her arms, but her whole body, which is crucial.
She failed to take these crucial steps, but also did all that in shallow water. We appreciate not having to witness the outcome. Hey, at least the picture looks like she knows what she's doing to a non fisher. Don't mind the location or time of day. She's a pro!
Oh my cod

Fishing trip with dad turns into a horror show as you walk back from getting a beer and catch him on camera trying to choke a poor fish to death. Not sure what is more horrifying the death grip around that poor fish or the utter shock of him getting caught.
Deep inside you knew, and so did he, for all the times you've gone fishing you scour your memories with a newfound enlightenment, and you realize that this was happening all the time. You could tell he wouldn't deny it. He wanted to get caught. He wanted you to know that he - kills fish.
Doesn’t Get Any Betta

Ah yes, the candid picture we all crave, stoic posture, noticeably oblivious to the camera a foot away from our face. Although she is betrayed by the sneaky peek in the corner of her eye. The inquisitive look to the photographer they managed to get the perfect shot of because this fishing rod is heavy, and everything is wet.
Alas, even with all that, it will still make a nice profile picture to add to the social media with a quick phrase like 'adventure and outdoors' - but only on a private island, and never more than 5 minutes from a mall and hotel. Perhaps add a few hashtags. #blessed
Just a Little Kiss

Don't want to burst your bubble princess, but that's not the frog that turns into the prince of your dreams. Not only that, but it seems the fish wasn't gonna take any chances. Rejection is hard, but the fish would rather risk a life and death battle then deal with this political climate of becoming royalty, not to mention taxes.
This is a quick little reminder that if you ever want to kiss a fish, do not drag it out of the water using a sharp metal hook. Much less do so if you are trying to expose it to your unwanted affection. This absolutely gives a brand new meaning to the word blowfish.
Look E-fish-ent

Nothing says I'm one of the boys quite like striking a pose in your bikini on a deck fishing straight down. Nevertheless we're fishing for something more elusive than your common sea life. That's right we're fishing for compliments, maybe even a few likes on our social media of choice.
One should be so lucky as to be able to enjoy recreation with a personalized photographer, who's only job is to make sure we have proper fishing posture. This could be a perfect scene out of a Vogue sponsored fishing gameshow called, "Why does everything smell like fish out here?"
For Freedom

What's on the menu today? Disappointment. Instead of working on the post catch photo, perhaps you should be working on your grip strength. Still could be worse. You could be that fish fighting for its life to escape its captor who, instead of bringing a net on a fishing trip, brought her skills of throwing up gang signs.
That's clearly inferior form of fish capture. In spite of that, we have to admire the bravery of putting up a still where you clearly fail at the task you set out to do. Even so the attention she was looking for was caught, and served on a silver platter. Good job Fisher!
What a Clownfish

Only if he had donned his third hoodie for this outdoor spectacle would this picture be any better. This is a prime example of the hillbilly city-boy type. He wouldn't have needed to wear the discount sunglasses if only he had found another means to protect his eyes from the sun.
Despite the fact that his Jedi fishing technique is spot on, the surprise on the fish's face can only be characterized as utter terror knowing if it get caught it'll be served with PH sauce on a rusty cast iron skillet to a bunch of drunks... truly a terrible fate.
Bear With Me

Imagine going out with a friend, being nice enough to take a picture of your best catch of the day, yet somehow ignoring to mention that you are about to be a brown bear's catch of the day. Just look at that bear's smile. I mean, that has to be nature's equivalent of getting an extra chicken nugget with your meal, delivered right to your doorstep.
Now, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope that if the guy gets it through this, he will keep his head on a swivel, remember that there is always a bigger fish, and perhaps find some better friends. Let us pray and hope this guys made it out alright.
Cat Fishing

Could you believe that this is what passes for a fishing failure nowadays? Well, it does. By popular demand, the elusive woman in a bikini is trying to reel in a fish. Much like everyone else who is downloading and using this image to catfish for potential partners on whatever post-apocoliptic meet-up service they are using, it will only work if you're really desperate to believe that this is really what you're getting.
In the background of every photograph of a beautiful woman going about her daily business is a less attractive woman taking the picture and making a comment along the lines of "she's not interested" in response to the photos. This holds true in the overwhelming majority of different scenarios. Right?
Water You Doing

You might have missed the transition period when crabs were penned instead of caged. Look at the little guy, having the happiest day of his life, who finds a box of chum and without a moment's notice gets hurled up from the water, holing on for dear life, and ends up on someone's intagram for being the dumbest crab in the world.
If he weren't already in a precarious situation, his embarrassment would be enough to kill him. At least the woman is making the most of her day by tossing the miniature bait cages into the sea and destroying the confidence of any crabs that take a bite out of them.
Hooked on Life

Whoever was responsible for starting the fad of bikini fishing needs to come forward and reveal themselves; they need to accept responsibility for spreading this blight on the internet. The days are passed when you would have envisioned a fisherman to be dressed in coveralls and rubber boots that were way too big.
It's now more like a catwalk for those who were unable to break into professional modeling and are looking for low-hanging fruit in the fishing enthusiast community. Also, what's up with weighing fish by the mouth? It already got duped into getting an easy snack, now we hang 'em by the mouth, retain the dignity of animals, and use a bag.
Tempting Fish

If you want to get your heart beating, there is nothing that can compare to the sense of the open ocean breeze while you are stationary on a boat. Strange choice of stances for the Titanic; you would assume it would be against the rules when on a boat, presuming that tempting fate is not one of the numerous beliefs that sailors have.
This picture is an OCD nightmare. I can't tell if those tiny things are the catch of the day or if this whole ambush is just big bait for people who think this is the archetype of an outgoing person. A friendly reminder to those who haven't already figured it out, if you're not the catch, you're the bait.
The Slip Grip Rookie

It appears that your grip is not what it used to be, buddy; add it to the long list of the ones that got away. Oops, it looks like your grip is not what it used to be. You give off the impression of someone who enjoys a great deal of success by allowing things to slip through their fingers.
You have to want it, and if you really want to rely on your clammy hands to hold your future together, it would be helpful if you could step three paces onto dry land to ensure your hard work doesn't vanish into the murky depths. Rookie mistake, keeping the glasses on—I can't even say the sun was in your eye.
Sea Possum Success

Since we started to dump all the trash into the ocean, I guess possums have had to adapt and improvise if they're going to get to that sweet, sweet human trash. These guys are just head over heels in love with being able to hold one of these beautiful specimens.
Again though, it's hard to tell if that's excitement for catching something so off-putting that it's impressive or the prospect of eating something so off-putting. Nevertheless, whatever awaits the fish won't be half as bad as what will happen to people handling those pliers plucked strait out of the Middle Ages.
Fish Out of Focus

Yet another Instagram model lost her way to the gym and found herself floating on a fishing boat as bait for unsuspecting internet users who think getting into the fishing industry will net them anything other than trench foot and the constant and never-ending smell of raw fish. Good job here, babe.
It's the first time I've seen a camera's autofocus capture the fish in peak resolution while the person holding them remains grainy. Still, at the end of the day, it was a pretty good catch, and the best thing about it was that she managed to color coordinate her outfit before the boat left the harbor.
Magic Fish Wish

Here, we see a perfect symphony of cultures interacting and coexisting. One of the most precious examples of collage, racial harmony, and fishing culture that I've even seen in my entire life. Those girls know how to party; using a fish to shotgun their beer is a next-level example of how the public education system failed us all.
However, it is difficult to believe that this is really a coincidence; it seems as though that fish, at some point in his life, captured another fish that was more magical, and in exchange, the little magical fish granted him everything he could desire, which was to die in this manner.
Howdy from Finland

Yeee haw! The cowgirl of the marsh is showing us all that it doesn't really matter what you wear when you're out in the swamp fishing for that sweet, sweet river beef. It's just out there waiting, so you can pop it in your smoker and feed your 35 cousins at the family reunion.
Nobody has ever seen someone who is both underdressed and overdressed at the same time . That is, apart from the cameraman, who by the way did a top-notch job framing just enough for us to see all the stage elements for what we can only guess is a commercial for an amphibious four-by-four Ford, or she just really likes fishing.
Dr. Sea Be Gone

Here we see what appears to be Dr. Reverse Ball Cap giving CPR to a fish chocking on seafood; oh wait, never mind. He is just using his beer openers to measure that poor fish's fins. What a way to go; one day you're all happy in the water, just growing the largest you can be.
You're out there trying to be the best fish you can be, making your fish parents proud, and then boom. It's all over. You can't even finish your last meal, which looks delicious, only because some boys on spring break decided to rent a boat and ruin your life. What a way to go.
Fin-ish What You're Doing

Choose a lane, lady; you can either go fishing in the great outdoors, sunbathe in preparation for actual summer so people don't get lost in the white sand, hang out with all the crusty beach folk who all seem to know a little too much about snorkeling, or build you tiny little IKEA furniture.
Nobody wants to watch you engaging in all of those activities. Okay, so maybe we do, but not all at the same time. We could go on for days, but hat jokes are beanie-thus! Don't even get me started on that crazy hat that looks like it's devouring your entire head!
Alien from Down Under

Oh, don't look now, but I think somebody found their soulmate, and all it took was a quick boat ride out in the middle of nowhere and pulling that poor little thing out of its home to get it. I hate to break it to you, but when people say there are plenty of fish in the sea, I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean.
In addition, there is no way that could ever be considered a fish under any circumstances. By the way, the photographer loses points for being completely uneducated about popular culture. How could you possibly think this is "the" shot when it seems like she's casually removing a face hugger from "Alien"?
Catch of the Day

Ca-li-for-nia girls, amirite? Ladies and gentlemen, we love candid shots, especially ones with people in full makeup and costume and perfectly framed scenes. You remember how they are trying to phase out all the sexy beer commercials all over, and now we know where all those actors went: fishing and hobby stores.
Maybe they should photoshop an actual fish in there too to make the whole thing a little more dynamic. Don't think that little limp worm on the end of that hook will catch anything, but then again, maybe it's the little limp worms that are the target audience for this photo.
Making Waves on a Date

Don't you think that water over there is a little rough to trudge through? Unless you're a huge fan of flash floods, you should be concerned about standing so close to the currents. Then again, she does have the look of someone who has just agreed to go on a romantic outing with a person they met on a dating app.
We're sure that the date was advertised as some relaxing fishing, but now you've noticed that they didn't bring any fishing gear with them. Alas, they didn't bring any fishing equipment, you're already knee-deep in water, and all they brought to the meeting was a camera, and now they want you to act like you're fishing while wearing a bikini. Action!