Here's What Religious Scenes Looked Like, According to AI main image
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Here's What Religious Scenes Looked Like, According to AI

Noah and the Great Flood

Noah and the Great Flood

The story of Noah is probably one of the most-well known in all the Bible. Taken from the Book of Genesis, the story tells how God becomes displeased with humanity and decides to wipe them out with a flood. However, he spares the righteous Noah and his family and commands him to build an ark to house animals during the flood. 

This is one AI-generated scene that is just straight out of a nightmare. We definitely see plenty of animals in this shot, but if you look closely, it appears that most of them don't have heads, and the ones that do are no animals we've ever seen before! We're also not sure that this rickety piece of wood they're all on is actually going to survive a global flood! 

(Image via Midjourney)

Moses and the Burning Bush

Moses and the Burning Bush

The scene of Moses and the burning bush is taken from the third chapter of the book of Exodus. During this famous scene, God (who is represented by a bush with flames that don't burn the leaves) gives Moses his marching orders to return to Egypt and demand that Pharaoh release the Israelites that Egypt had enslaved. 

The AI that created this image is just one in a long line of artists who have depicted the famous scene over time, and for the most part, it gets the big picture correct. Unfortunately, it looks like many of the leaves are indeed burning off. 

(Image via Midjourney)

Moses Parting the Red Sea

Moses Parting the Red Sea

After a long string of nasty plagues brought on by God in the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh finally relents and allows the Israelites to go free. However, during their flight, he changes his mind and sends his men after them. At this point, Moses and the Israelites have the Egyptians on their tail and are facing the unpassable Red Sea at their front. It's here we get the famous scene of Moses parting the sea to allow the Israelites safe passage across. 

The image-generating AI actually did a pretty good job on this one and ended up creating a pretty cool-looking depiction of this scene. We're not sure why it chose so many yellow and brown hues for the water, but it makes the path between them look that much more ominous and dangerous. 

(Image via Midjourney)

David vs. Goliath

David vs. Goliath

Before he was crowned as one of the most recognizable kings of Israel, David was just a small boy throwing rocks at a giant. According to the story, Israel and the Philistines are at war, and the Philistine's best fighter, a giant named Goliath, taunts the Israelites daily that no one can best him. However, the Philistines get much less cocky when David shows up and ends Goliath with one stone from his slingshot. 

You can kind of guess what scene this is from the AI image. You've got a really tall guy and a really short guy—who else fits this bill in the Bible? David, however, looks really young in this image. Goliath looks terrifying, but that doesn't stop young David from standing unafraid.

(Image via Midjourney)

Jonah and the Whale

Jonah and the Whale

Jonah is a prophet of Israel who is most famously known for defying God's orders that he travel to the city of Nineveh and tell the people of their impending doom if they don't change their ways. God then sends a whale (or a big fish, if you're a pedant) to swallow Jonah whole so that he has more time to think about what he's done. 

This AI-generated image has definitely got us scratching our heads. It looks like Jonah is standing in waist-deep water, but yet somehow, there's also enough water for a giant blue whale to show up as well. We do like how the whale seems to be under a ray of light that looks like it was probably sent by God himself. 

(Image via Midjourney)

The Nativity of Jesus

The Nativity of Jesus

Even for people who aren't Christians, most people in the world at least have a basic familiarity with the birth of Jesus and the story that surrounds it. You've got a birth, angels announcing it to shepherds, and wise men following a star to meet the new baby—the whole shebang. 

Here we see the sweet baby Jesus laid innocently on a bed of hay (although it looks a little like a bird's nest) as Mary, Joseph, and the wise men look down in wonder.

(Image via Midjourney)

The Last Supper

The Last Supper

During the night before his crucifixion, Jesus shared one final meal with his twelve disciples, where he instituted the Christian sacrament of the Lord's Supper. This scene from the Gospels was most famously depicted by Leonardo da Vinci, but is AI able to top this master painter's iconic work? 

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like image-generating technology has quite mastered this scene yet. For starters—everybody is a little too close for comfort. Jesus seems to be sitting at the end of a small table while many of the disciplines hover menacingly behind him. Not exactly a fun party.

(Image via Midjourney)

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

Unfortunately for Jesus, he was fully aware of what waited for him at the end of the road—namely, crucifixion. In the Gospels, he spends an agonizing night before his death in the garden of Gethsemane, where he tries in vain to pray with his disciples, sweats blood, and even asks God to reconsider the whole plan. 

Once again, this AI-generated image gets the big picture correct although the details are questionable. Jesus sits with his disciplines to pray with them, but a big part of the story is that his disciplines keep falling asleep. That detail is skipped over here.

(Image via Midjourney)

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

Arguably the most famous story from the Christian bible is that of Jesus' resurrection. Three days after his crucifixion, his followers are shocked to find Jesus' tomb empty and the man himself up and alive like he didn't just face a bloody, painful execution—proving to all that he was God himself. 

Judging by this picture, the AI that created it probably needs another summer of Bible lessons at vacation bible school. Who is this other person in the scene? Is this picture trying to imply that Jesus is a ghost and his spirit is standing over his body? That's taking some creative liberties with the source material! 

(Image via Midjourney)

Adam, Eve, and the Snake

Adam, Eve, and the Snake

Ah, the classic fruitful triangle of Adam, Eve, and the sneaky Snake. Quite the tale, isn't it? The inaugural garden soap opera. Eve is all like, "Hey Adam, feast your eyes on this juicy fruit!" And Adam is all like, "Hey, isn't that from the forbidden menu? Should we be breaking the rules here?" 

Here comes our mischievous friend, tempting us with a playful, "Why not have some fun?" Before you know it, they're hastily grabbing fig leaves to cover up their modesty, engaging in a game of hide and seek with the Almighty. We're not sure why Ai made Adam wet, but we'll leave it up for your imagination.

(Image via Midjourney)

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Jesus strolls into the temple courts, expecting some peace and quiet, but what does he find? A bunch of merchants and money changers, turning the sacred space into a full-blown marketplace. Talk about a holy hustle! He's not one to mess around. He's flipping tables left and right, kicking out all those shady business folks.

With a stern look, he proclaims, "This place is meant for prayer, not for thievery!" or something.. This act really drives home the point that when it comes to worship, sincerity and reverence are key. Though, this AI-generated image couldn't really capture the righteous indignation, it certainly tried it's best.

(Image via Midjourney)

King David's Dream

King David's Dream

According to the Bible, King David had a unique vision: he wanted to construct a temple for God, which was not your everyday dream during slumber. In 2 Samuel 7, David talks about his desire to construct a magnificent house for God. He feels that it is not right for him to reside in a palace while the Ark of the Covenant is housed in a tent.

However, God chooses to communicate through the prophet Nathan, who shares the news that David's son will be the one to construct the temple and assures David that God's covenant with him will last for eternity. This AI was having some difficulty constructing the image of that temple, blending all known ideas of it into one great building.

(Image via Midjourney)

Mary Looking for a Room

Mary Looking for a Room

Mary and Joseph found refuge in Bethlehem, fulfilling prophecy, as Mary was pregnant with Jesus, but since there was no space available at the inns in town, they ended up staying in a simple stable where Jesus was born. This touching moment emphasizes the humble nature of Christ's arrival and hints at his purpose to welcome and support those who are marginalized.

Even in the face of adversity, Mary's unwavering faith shone through, exemplifying her important role as the mother of the Savior. It was actually surprisingly difficult to get Joseph to look up when making this AI image. It seems these systems have no problem creating an image of the mother, but her husband is seemingly unimaginable.

(Image via Midjourney)

Moses in the River Basket

Moses in the River Basket

The story of Moses' journey in a river basket highlights the incredible protection and guidance he received from a higher power. Moses' mother made a difficult decision when she placed him in a basket and set him adrift on the Nile River, in response to the Pharaoh's decree to unalive Hebrew male infants.

Amazingly, the Pharaoh's daughter discovers him and adopts him, unknowingly playing a part in God's plan to free Israel from slavery. This story has been found in many holy texts the world over, from various viewpoints. It's a great conversation starter. Like the way AI imagines how a baby would be in a basket on the river, clearly sitting, right?

(Image via Midjourney)

Moses Receiving the Ten Commandments

Moses Receiving the Ten Commandments

The moment when Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai is a significant event in biblical history. It represents the establishment of divine law and the covenant between God and the Israelites. In a dramatic display of power, God engraved the commandments onto stone tablets, providing moral guidance for all of humanity.

This interaction emphasizes Moses' unique role as a bridge between God and the people, and the unwavering commitment of the Israelites to following God's commandments. There're words carved in those stones, right? It's not all smoke and mirrors? Clearly that's the language God speaks, and the AI also, somehow, knows how to write.

(Image via Midjourney)

Paul's Journey to Rome

Paul's Journey to Rome

Paul's journey to Rome, as chronicled in the Book of Acts, showcases his steadfast dedication to sharing the Gospel in the face of daunting obstacles. After being arrested in Jerusalem and facing persecution, Paul decides to appeal to Caesar as a Roman citizen. This bold move eventually results in his journey to Rome under armed Roman guard.

During the journey, Paul exhibits strength, unwavering belief, and the ability to guide others, spreading the teachings of the Gospel to both fellow travelers, and those in positions of authority during a shipwreck. Finally reaching Rome, he fulfills God's promise to testify in the capital of the Roman Empire. The AI had some difficulty recreating the shipwreck, and still, we see it has a hard time with the concept of a ship.

(Image via Midjourney)

Solomon's Wisdom

Solomon's Wisdom

Solomon's wisdom is widely known and is often portrayed in the Bible as a divine blessing. In 1 Kings 3, God asks Solomon what he desires, and Solomon humbly requests wisdom to govern his people with justice. God is deeply moved by his humble and selfless nature, and in return, bestows upon him both wisdom and abundance, along with great honor.

Solomon's wisdom is well-known for being showcased in the judgment of the two women who both claimed to be the mother of the same child. In this situation, he proposed a solution of dividing the child with a sword, which ultimately revealed the true mother's love. AI did a good job of capturing how seriously he takes this situation, because it's written all over his face.

(Image via Midjourney)

The Fiery Furnace

The Fiery Furnace

The narrative from the Book of Daniel about the fiery furnace is a compelling example of faith that remains steadfast and the protection provided by a higher power. During the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar, there was an incident where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were Jewish captives, chose not to worship a golden statue constructed in Nebuchadnezzar's likeness, even though it put their lives at risk.

The king, filled with anger, commands for them to be cast into a fiery furnace. Divine intervention takes place, and the men miraculously survive, accompanied by an enigmatic fourth presence, believed to be either an angel or a manifestation of Christ before his earthly existence. What's going on with their faces? Where's the fourth bring? We have so many questions.

(Image via Midjourney)

The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel

Genesis' account of the structure of Babel illustrates humanity's audacious ambition to construct a structure that reaches the skies in defiance of God's will. God then causes them to talk in different languages as a result of which there is confusion and a dispersion of people throughout the globe.

This incident serves as a reminder of the repercussions of arrogance in humans, the need of humility, and the "need" to submit to spiritual power. AI did a good job of generating an image that is reminiscent of the depictions of the tower done by other artists.

(Image via Midjourney)

The Valley of Dry Bones

The Valley of Dry Bones

The Valley of Dry Bones, as depicted in the Book of Ezekiel, offers a captivating portrayal of rejuvenation and revival. Ezekiel finds himself in a valley filled with dry bones, representing the spiritual desolation and hopelessness of Israel. Yet, following God's command, Ezekiel speaks to the bones, and miraculously they come together, with tissue and flesh forming over them.

However, despite this incredible transformation, they still remain devoid of life. Then, through another command, breath fills them, and they are animated, symbolizing God's pledge to revive Israel from exile and infuse His people with renewed vitality. It's actually kind of hard to get God in a picture. Just imagine the Big Man there, along with those football helmets.

(Image via Midjourney)