Bryan Cranston
Bryan Cranston, the actor best known for his work on the sitcom Malcolm in the Middle and Breaking Bad, became one of the most renowned actors on television for that latter role. But apparently not everyone respects him. Twitter user, @CalvinSoup wrote, "Bryan Cranston looks like Jim Carrey impersonating Matthew McConaughey."
Another user, RichA in a Google Groups conversation wrote a post titled, “Bryan Cranston. Most overrated actor in TV?”
He went on to clarify, ”Sure, he was good in "Breaking Bad" because he had great material, but despite him having been in something like 100 TV shows and movies, I do not remember him in any of them.”
Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow is perhaps best known these days for her role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but her real heyday was in the late ‘90s, which was about the time where people still liked here. But with her vagina-scented candles and all the other bizarre antics she’s been up to, her name doesn’t bring a lot of positive vibes.
In a review for Country Song one user took to the comment section to write:
“Gwynnie, judging by the box office receipts, the American public finds you as revolting as you find the USA. Payback. And please stop cramming the fact that you can sing as well as any average choir member down our throats. Glee, this stink-bomb, and now Glee again. UGH Stop the INSANITY! You are very much reviled and detested. Now just go away, and take Aniston and the Kardashians with you.”
Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks is a two-time Academy Award winner and has an extensive filmography. Often considered to be the everyman, he carries a relatable persona with each and every role – but apparently, not everyone is a fan.
“I know he’s America’s sweetheart and everything, but I just don’t love Tom Hanks. I don’t know if it’s just recently the scripts he’s chosen have been meh, or if I’ve always felt this way. Everyone else seems to love Castaway and Forrest Gump, but I just don’t get the hype.” - FranchDressing77, Reddit
“He is awful and just plays him self in different scenarios. I'm tired of seeing his... face, he is so overrated.” - -Preliminary, Reddit
“Whatever. Tom Hanks is a whiner. Oh boo hoo, so you have a tropical island all to yourself... I have a turtle sandbox...” - @Kf_kadri43, Twitter
Lana Del Rey
“Everybody I know raves about her like she's an indie queen who is so different and revolutionary. She grew up in an upper class family and had her parents pay her way into the industry. Besides the fact that she's an industry plant, her music is just plain boring. Every song of her sounds the same and I understand that this is subjective but her voice is so BORING. There's a difference between sounding intimate and bedroom poppy and sounding like you sing every song on 20 minutes of sleep.” - Azallday, Reddit
"I just don't understand the appeal. There's no energy to her music, none of it's catchy, it's impossible for anyone I know to relate to. "National Anthem" is the one song I think I can actually enjoy.
Also her mouth's weird but that has nothing to do with her talent." – thatdangerous, Reddit
Ben Stiller
“Ben Stiller is a bottomless pit of suck. He has no real talent for the straight man. Stiller doesn’t seem to understand that the role is the most difficult one in comedy, and that a straight man actually needs to bring something to the table other than autistic idiosyncrasies.” - Dustin Rowles on Pajiba
“A friend of mine worked on the set of Tropic Thunder, and apparently Ben Stiller was [rude] to everyone, he even fired someone because he thought they didn't put enough sugar in his coffee in between scenes, on the plus side though Jack Black was the nicest guy ever, and still emails my friend occasionally.” - Ehzranight, Reddit
Amber Heard
Amber Heard has been in hot water over Johnny Depp’s defamation case, as Johnny Depp took to court to defend his good name and alleges that Heard’s falsehoods about him have irreparably damaged his career. While the case has certainly divided people and had some people on the fence, Nephanor Nephanor of Quora has no doubts, writing:
“Amber Heard. Not only is she abusive to her partners, she gaslights them in the media, and mocks them for being abused. She’s not just a jerk, but she’s downright evil. Look into the Johnny Depp case, and you will see what I mean. She literally cut off part of his finger. She defecated in their bed. She is insane and evil.”
Julia Roberts
“Julia Roberts.
My family and I were dining at a high-end restaurant with our 2 children. It was my daughter’s 8th birthday. We had our fabulous meals and to our surprise the waitress brought my daughter a huge dessert! We sang Happy Birthday as did several of the staff. Right at the end of the song I noticed an irrational woman stomping towards our table. She was waving her hands and saying that our celebration was greatly disturbing her and her guests. The startled waitress looked very uncomfortable and reiterated back to the kitchen.”
We quickly ate our deserts and upon leaving we had to walk by the table where Julia Roberts was dining. I gently pushed my hubby and kids along so I could politely tell her how inconsiderate her unnecessary actions were. She just stared at me. Never muttered a word.” - (Anonymous) Quora
Justin Bieber
It seems not everyone beliebes in the Biebs. @pypki tweets, “Can you Believe people actually fall over themselves for Justin Bieber? Bro ditched his pet moneky Molly in Germany and spits on his fans. He's so detached from reality, bet he can't even tie his own shoes. Y'all he probs has an official shoe tier.”
“He's a child and sings about getting it on and about getting girls and shit. He's 16, he should be learning about advanced functions and calculus, not about how to get laid.” – Dfube, Reddit
“Because he has no talent. Absolutely none. Look at The Beatles, or Queen, Metallica when they were good, they had talent. This kid? He uses autotune with some shitty loop tracks you can find online. I can sing better without autotune, and I can play instruments! Not that singing is my career, no, I hate to sing. It's just that there are many more talented people around who have little, yet this little [explicit] is making millions off of no talent.” - General_Lee, Reddit
Clive Owen
Clive Owen was a fairly big deal in the 2000s, but his career took a dive at some point and you never see him in anything. Many people liked him but some just could stand him like Wyvern39 who took to Reddit to say, “Clive Owen. Something about him just annoys me in any movie of his I watch.”
"I have met a couple of celebs in the past and was a fan of this actor until the day I actually met him — Clive Owen. I was managing a shop floor in a well-known London store and he breezed through. I tactfully approached him to see if he was OK, needed help, or any additional security while shopping. He snarled back and said, 'YEAH? Why shouldn’t I be?' Well, excuse me for asking in the first place?!" - knight_crusader, Buzzfeed
Michael Buble
"Many years ago, when Michael Bublé was dating Emily Blunt, my sister and I went to his concert. We were pulled aside by members of his band and asked if we wanted to go to an afterparty. When we got there, of course it was all women. Michael showed up and demanded we don’t take any pictures.
He signed things for people if they wanted it. When someone (she was probably 14) asked if he was dating the girl from Devil Wears Prada, he responded, 'You mean [sleeping together]? It’s complicated.' Then he bit my sister on the arm and proceeded to yell, 'You can have me when you want me' as he was leaving. It was all so strange and uncomfortable and left such a bad taste in my mouth." —rachadach23, Buzzfeed
Andy .
"Andy D.’s name truly says it all. Around 7–8 years ago, I saw Little Shop of Horrors at a tiny theater in the Los Angeles area. Before the show, Andy D.(who was not in the cast and was visibly drunk) decided to get up on stage and loudly ramble/rant to the patrons until a bouncer dragged him off the stage about a minute later.
Since then, he’s gone on to do a series of atrocious things all around Hollywood and Los Angeles, and it’s a running thing within my family to predict what he’ll do next." - shadeofblue, Buzzfeed
Andy D.’s relevance today is almost non-existent, of course, so this isn’t going to hurt his career much. He had fleeting success in the ‘90s with shows like NewsRadio and his own show on MTV called The Andy Dick Show.
Nick Saban
Nick Saban, in case you don’t follow sports, is one of the highest-paid coaches in the country. He has been the head coach of the University of Alabama since 2007. He coaches the Alabama Crimson Tide and has an overall record of 269–67–1. He previously coached for the NFL for the Miami Dolphins.
"I had to serve Nick Saban at a charity event. He was late, and then when I showed up to offer him his food or a drink, he shoved his hand in my face and shooed me away without a single word. Then, he left the charity event early even though he was the guest of honor and was already late. Needless to say, I was not impressed." — prncesskristyn, Buzzfeed
Machine G. Kelly
One user, cheesemonster, from Buzzfeed’s community wrote, "He once stayed at the luxury hotel I worked in years ago. He had a full screaming tantrum in the lobby, yelling about God knows what. My manager had to ask him to leave because he was scaring the guests around him."
Machine G. Kelly is a singer, rapper, musician, and actor who has already recorded six studio albums and been in numerous films. He’s been no stranger to getting on other people’s nerves including other celebrities like Eminem and G-Eazy. So it’s no surprise people in the real world can’t tolerate him either.
John Malkovich
"I was an extra as a kid in a movie with John Malkovich and John Goodman. Malkovich was the deuteragonist, and Goodman was the big bad. Couldn't have been more opposite to how they acted off set. I was only a kid, but Malkovich was a nightmare and kept yelling at the craft crew and really acting cold and rude to everybody on set.
All of which was made especially horrid because Goodman was delightful. He came over and introduced himself to all the kid extras while we were waiting for our scene." —lilyroderickb, Reddit
It seems even beloved actors like John Malkovich who do a pretty good job staying out of the presses are not immune from criticism.
Jared Leto
"I worked for a major radio station in Chicago, and Jesus Christ, the entitlement and egos on some people. Jared Leto is the biggest... creep of them all. I won’t watch anything he’s in and will change the channel if he comes on screen at award shows and things like that because I literally can’t stand the sight of his face." - elizawithaz
Another reddit user, BabePigInTheCity2, explained her dislike for Leto, saying “Enough consistent allegations of predatory sexual behavior, sometimes directed at minors, that is seems difficult to believe they don’t have credibility + he just seems like an all around creep who is a nightmare to work with (he sent coworkers used condoms as wrap gifts).
Tobey Maguire
Tobey Maguire, an actor a lot of us know for his role as Spider-Man, but not everyone was impressed by that role, such as Chris Rex on Quora who wrote, "His acting 'bad' after being infected with the Symbiote made me sick. I was waiting for him to start singing Grease Lightning. Just terrible. It turned one of the most significant dark periods in Peter Parker’s life into a joke.”
Tobey Maguire also has a reputation for being a jerk. One story from Poker game organizer, Molly Bloom had said that Maguire offered her a $1,000 dollar poker chip at a high-stakes game in 2014. But to get it, he told her that she had to bark like a seal. When she refused, Maguire told her "I’m not kidding. What’s wrong? You’re too rich now? You won’t bark for a thousand dollars?"
Kanye West
“Because he’s incredibly arrogant even in an industry that has plenty of examples of it. It’s possible that his image as an arrogant [jerk] is exactly the image he wants to portray, but it doesn’t change the fact that he behaves that way."
As Phil Scovis stated, what he did at the 2009 MTV music awards was inexcusable. He didn’t just steal someone’s moment, he stole their first moment. If celebrities are anything like the rest of us, we usually remember our firsts more clearly than the rest. This was her first time winning that award and he took her moment away from her.
I don’t generally feel sorry for celebrities, but in this case I genuinely felt sorry for Taylor Swift. I don’t even like her, but I still cringed at how she must have felt. I know how it feels to go from super excited to complete disappointment. It stings. And it stings whether you’re super famous or not.”
- James Henry, Quora
Kim Kardashian
In response to the question, “Why do people hate Kim Kardashian so much?,” one user had this to say:
“Kim Kardashian has got fame without doing nothing! She is all plastic. She has done so many surgeries that it is hard to tell. She is famous without any effort. I guess that is why people hate her. But media loves her!” – Avni Dutta, Quora
“She is talentless. All she does is uploading seducing photos with insolent looks. Her over-confidence for doing nothing is such an irony and very pathetic. She has monetized act of living. She actually owns her fame to her father’s client Simpson’s talents, also Kanye West’s talents, and Paris Hilton’s family fame. Her only asset is the ability to connect with the right people.”
- O. Faruk, Quora
Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin has been in hot water for many months now over the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of the film Rust. And while many people are upset over his negligence and lack of accountability, that’s not the only reason they have to dislike him. One user of Reddit, pirawalla22, said:
“He is very popular and he has a big personality/is a jerk sometimes, and he has behaved rudely/disrespectfully toward various people over time in ways that have become public.
The fact that his career recently has heavily involved "mean" impersonations of Donald Trump certainly didn't help people on the right like him more, and he was already a pretty loud liberal. Other folks might choose to dislike him for any number of past transgressions, whether or not any of them are that serious.”
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling is well-known for roles like The Notebook, Drive and Blade Runner 2049, but he’s also known for his dashing good looks and charm, so much so that it’s a meme. This makes him an easy target of jealous bunch.
“Oh, look at me...I'm Ryan Gosling, I have perfect bone structure and kind eyes. Go [screw] yourself Ryan Gosling.” - @dee_takos
“He constantly looks like hes holding in a... laugh. I'm serious. I recently realized this when I watched Blade Runner 2049 (great movie by the way). Even when hes dead serious or in pain or angry. Look. at. his... FACE. That dude has resting "i'm trying really hard not to laugh face". Once you see it, it cannot be unseen.” - Green_Locke, Reddit
Ed Sheeran
Sure, not everyone has to be a fan of his music, as it certainly isn’t for everyone, but we have to say this is a somewhat odd criticism:
@WyzeeQue Tweeted, “I can’t stand this new Ed Sheeran. . Like why TF are you happy on your records? You’re a... ginger for [explicit] sake. Be sad.”
Reddit user amchec writes, “I don’t get it. Today I reached my breaking point. An ice cream shop I was in was playing Ed Sheeran’s “Divide” cover-to-cover. I have always disliked his music (from the worst kind of inauthentic “alt” ballads to the incessantly annoying mega hit “Shape of You”), but this was the first time I had prolonged exposure to his music down to deeper the album cuts. I just don’t get it. His voice is fine. His songwriting is boring.
The lyrics are fake and bland at best. It all feels like someone pretending to be an indie star after watching some Youtube covers of “Skinny Love” and then got access to an absurdly large, unnecessary production budget. It would be one thing if this was just a passive existence, but he is one of the biggest stars on the planet. I see no appeal. It’s cheap music which could be done better by nearly anyone or anything with the ability to express authentic emotion and judge tone.”
Paul Rudd
Paul Rudd, is the ageless wonder that the internet loves to write about and is for most people consistently likable in his movies, but not for everyone. @JoeyPizzaKing Tweeted “Paul Rudd is the most boring vanilla dude. You know he just sits at home with his wife having a bland spaghetti dinner talking about his day.”
“Paul Rudd is just that one guy in Hollywood that I just can’t bring myself to like, no matter how many times I see him in shows and movies. I just don’t think he’s a good actor. He plays virtually the same character in everything he’s in: the “lovable” idiot that tries to make us laugh (see Antman, Parks and Rec, Wanderlust, etc). The only time I’ve seen him not be “that” character was when he was in the show on Netflix called “Living with Yourself” and even in that show, he was garbage.
His humor is terrible. Being the idiot can only be cute and funny for so long before it’s just an annoyance. He’s the type of guy that finds a joke that lands well and just keeps doing that joke over and over again until it’s dead and buried. At this point his act is old and every time I watch a movie that he’s in I immediately don’t enjoy myself.
There’s also just something about him that I can’t figure out that makes me not trust him. I really can’t put my finger on it, but it’s one of those things that if it ever came into the news that 'Paul Rudd is a monster for doing [insert shitty action here]' then I’d be say 'there it is.'
TLDR: Paul Rudd is a boring actor with annoying characters and I hate his face”
- OneNutWonder011, Reddit
Joaquin Phoenix
“Lately, he's been pulling all kinds of stunts in order to turn everyone vegan and to stop global warming. I just read that he said in his speech that there isn't enough diversity in Hollywood or something like that. Also, every talk show he goes on he's just so rude and uninterested and you can just see the talk show hosts struggling to interview him. He is A BRILLIANT actor, I'm not denying that, oh God no, he is amazing acting-wise. But I personally find his off-screen behaviour just annoying and even cringey sometimes.” – Klaypoxion, Reddit
The guy is a jerk and pretty annoying. I don't even remember the last good movie he was in. Not sure why people like him. Haven't seen the Joker yet but from some reviews I'm seeing he's completely ruined the origin story. – CautiousSquare, Reddit
Tom Holland
“I absolutely despise him and am infinitely aggravated at the sight of his stupid, voluntarily ignorant & arrogant being. You can’t call him an actor. He’s a new age puppet of idiotic, tasteless and selfish sheep herd of a public, desecrating the good old quality and memory of older works of true professionals. Toby is an actor.
Dunst is an actor. Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins, Pacino, Emma Thompson, the lost treasure Alan Rickman, Robert Pattinson, Tilda Swinton, Russell Crowe, Jack Nicholson, Winona Ryder, and so on. You get the point. There are actors and then there are stars. The latter group is the product of mass idiocracy and tastelessness of the pseudo fanbase.” Potential_Chemist_72, Reddit
Megan Fox
In response to a Quora question, “Is Megan Fox a bad actor?,” one user Ashley Mercer had this to say:
“I have to be honest, my first time ever seeing her act was in Transformer’s 2 and was shocked at how awkward and wooden her acting came across. She also had “minimal lines” in comparison to the other actors - but I thought she was GORGEOUS.
I had hoped with time her acting would get better but seeing her several years later in Ninja Turtles it was not the case.
So yes I would say she’s a bad actress and it’s a very unfortunate thing, especially since she had the “movie star looks” but could still not have a viable career because her acting ability was next to nothing.”
“Megan Fox is one of those annoying people, like Honey Boo-Boo or Jared from Subway, who has no underlying talent and is simply famous for being famous. Celebrity and wealth seems to go to the heads of such people, and they tend to become even more obnoxious than they were already.
Megan Fox has little credibility as an actor: you'd never see her in a well-written picture. She's bound to eventually become one of those once-famous actors reduced to making bit appearances in the direct-to-video movies that end up in those dump bins at your local Walmart.” – Christopher McDonald, Quora
Sandra Bullock
“Sandra Bullock is terribly overrated and has failed to star in a quality movie or have a good acting performance throughout her entire career. Her voice is annoying and she always seems angry. even when she's acting happy in a movie she always just comes off as angry. her emotions seem so forced onscreen and i don't enjoy watching her in anything.” - KimJong-rodman, Reddit
“What is the big deal regarding Sandra Bullock? She made a move about a true story (Blindside) that wasn’t even factual, she isn’t appealing to the eyes, and in the movie 'Gravity' she is borderline useless and can’t grab onto anything in space. This kills off George Clooney. American sweetheart, or unpleasant average actress?” – dalestrail, Reddit
Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore has been well-known for her acting roles over the years, ever since she started out as a child star in films like ET: Extra Terrestrial. Talking about her daytime talk show, Redditor pencilpusher13 had this to say:
“Reading these comments, and I have such a different take. She is so forced and fake. I literally roll my eyes half the show. It's almost comedic how stupid she likes to sound.”
“It's not terrible. She does annoy me but in her defense she does not seem fake at all. I just think there are probably a thousand better choices for a talk show host that could have gotten that opportunity but didn't and never will. It bothers me.” – ricardomarchosky, Reddit
Shia LeBeouf
“Ok. I started noticing this guy when he went around wearing that paper bag on his head. After his motivational speech i was hating him so much i couldn't resist researching the dude. Well. His movies all suck Let me name his most noticeable on IMDB
Transformers 1,2 and 3 all suck. If you are not 12 years old. Shias role in it is total cliche young insecure kid grows into major dbag.
Lawless, totally boring movie. Shia suck, and his character could not have been any more generic 20 something gangster kid.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. Was a total rip off. Shia sucked balls in it. Generic smart kid fake... performance. Nothing like Sheens performance in the original. Well, the script in this one sucked as well.
Fury. Didn't see yet, because Shia Lebeouf was in it, I avoided it. But also because I'm tired of seeing brad Pitt in semi army/hipster haircut in WWII movies.
Why do this kid get more roles?” – Bovjer, Reddit
Bobby Flay
“Bobby Flay. He just bothers me. I cheer against him every time he does a cooking competition.” - Lachwen
“I have a great dislike for him ever since he cheated on his wife, who played the ada on SVU. I don't know these people in real life and yet I felt compelled to take a side lol” - timetravelcompanion
“Bobby flay is an arrogant [jerk], And one of the reasons why I stopped watching Food Network, because for years he was the poster boy and was all over the... channel.
He was always an arrogant piece of [explicit], from the early days, but my breaking point was the first international Iron Chef competition that put Japan against America.. and when he won he jumped on top of the cutting board to stand on the counter to gloat.
He told how disrespectful it was to do that, on top of the cutting board.
So when they had a rematch, he made a big show of dramatically throwing the cutting board across the room and to the floor, so he could jump on the counter again." - ItsATerribleLife, Reddit
Taylor Swift
Every time I bring up Taylor Swift, people (especially my family) talk about how great she is. She's the cute, blonde-haired, blue-eyed innocent girl who everyone aspires to be. People talk about how her music is so meaningful and how she's such a sweetheart and a great influence for little girls and yadda yadda yadda. In reality, however, Taylor Swift is horrible.
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who can see right through her facade. First of all, she went from writing "country" music (it's in quotations because it was never really country music; her fan-base just called it that) to writing cookie-cutter poppy [explicit]. She did that for one reason and one reason only - money. She dropped everything she believed in to make an extra buck because there's more money to be made in catchy music in today's day and age. If you don't believe me, then I'd like to remind you that she took all of her music off of Spotify after releasing her most recent album. Why? Because there's less money to be made through that then there is through album sales. While this is a fact, it's also an incredibly selfish thing to do if you consider that she is 25-years-old and has a net worth of $200 million.
Yeah, she totally needs that extra couple million. Not like she's set for life or anything. What [ticks] me off is that on top of all that, she has the gall to claim that she loves her fans. If you love your fans so much, why not let the less fortunate ones listen to your music? Maybe some people don't have $20 to buy your... album, which you've already sold millions of in the first place. Do they just not count? Are they not "real fans" because they can't afford you?
Speaking of albums, let's talk about her music - it's awful. I think what angers me most about it, though, is the fact that her songs are often written at someone else's expense. She wrote a [explicit] of songs about Jake Gyllenhaal ("We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together" being one of them), she wrote "I Knew You Were Trouble" about John Mayer/Harry Styles (it's debated), she wrote "Mean" about a music critic who thought she sang off-key (which she often does), and the list goes on. Personally, I think it's pretty..."mean" to ruin someone's reputation through song and, by doing so, build an entire army against them. In fact, "Mean" is probably the most despicable example I've listed because she tells the guy that he's "pathetic," that he will be "alone in life," and someday she'll be big enough so he can't "hit" her.
The whole song just makes Taylor Swift look like a [explicit] because she's taking on a holier-than-thou attitude over a guy who had the [explicit] NERVE to do his job and criticize music. God forbid anyone should ever criticize the great Taylor Swift. She reaffirms this idea with her song "Shake it Off," which explains that she shakes off the harsh words of "haters". This song gives her devoted followers the opportunity to remain completely ignorant to any negative opinions of their lord and savior. Forget hearing any other sides of the story - they insulted Taylor so they're wrong. It's [explicit].
As for the rest of the songs about her ex-boyfriends, I will say this - all of those guys can't be wrong. She even says so in her song "Blank Space" - got a long list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane. Yes, unnamed subject of this song; they'll tell you that because they're right.
If you're reading this and you're a Taylor Swift fan, you may be saying "how can you be such a hater if you don't even know her?" Well, you mindless sheep, I'm not alone in my beliefs - even some of Hollywood's biggest stars find Taylor Swift insufferable. Katy Perry (another "musician" from today's day and age) straight up hates Taylor for being a "conniving b*tch," TV host Kelly Osborne has openly mocked Taylor's "false modesty," talentless boy band One Direction has made it a point to insult her in concert, and so on. These opinions are justified not only because of reasons I've explained earlier, but...have you ever heard her do an interview? She's playing a character. She tries so hard to seem laid back and modest that it's almost painful. I can see why people who've actually met her would find her so terrible.
In closing, Taylor Swift is artificial. She only cares about money, her music career has been built upon making other people look like a*sholes, and she isn't the "role model" that little girls like to think she is. She makes me physically sick to my stomach, and I think that she should just go the f**k away. Now.
drops mic
- jack_capp, Reddit
Miranda Lambert
Miranda Lambert recently made headlines after she stopped her Las Vegas Residency show to call out a group of selfie-taking concertgoers during her performance of "Tin Man." While Lambert wasn't too pleased with the group taking selfies, one of the fans, Adela Calin, was left feeling "appalled" by the singer's comments.
In Calin's defense, she was just a grown woman in her thirties trying to capture a moment. Hey, at least they didn't throw anything at the stage like some unruly attendees do these days. The internet wasn't too happy with the singer's behavior either; when fans pay good money to come to your show, just let them take their pictures. Sheesh!