Quiz: Are These Historical "Facts" True or False?

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Are These Historical “Facts” True or False? History is pretty easy, right? Wrong. Over the years, our idea of history has been diluted with little misconceptions we’ve learned over the years, and that can make it pretty tough to tell fact from fiction. We grow up thinking the history we know is true, but then find out later that it was pure fiction all along. Naturally, this is after we’ve been embarrassed! It happens to everyone at least once in their lives, and we’ve set out the goal to help everyone in their learning quest.

For example, we always thought John F. Kennedy said, “I am a jelly donut” (in German) in 1963. Well, it turns out that apparently, the crowds interpreted the phrase as “I am one with the people of Berlin.” That phrase is a lot better and probably won over the hearts of a few Germans. Before you start scribbling down that factoid, we’re going to tell you that that one isn’t on this pop quiz. 

We’ve designed a quiz to test history buffs to see if they can genuinely spot the truth from total bologna. We can’t say that this little test is easy, but we do know that you may learn a thing or two from it. Get ready to have your knowledge tested in the best way possible with our historical fact or fiction quiz. 

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