
It can be easy to tune out when you have a kids around the house, screaming, crying or tugging on your arm. But it can be a little difficult to do that when you tune into them on your own TV. Where's your safe space now?
We don't know how that baby got in there but obviously, some crazy Poltergeist type-thing is going on here.
That Time the Baby Got Stuck in the Vending Machine

We've heard of snacks and drinks getting stuck in a vending machine, but this is ridiculous!
With one good kick, he should be able to get his kid out, but if not - at least there's plenty of things to drink. We're kidding, of course, you really shouldn't give your kids soda.
Just Another Day in Space

Life as an astronaut can be difficult. Some days you just can't find a babysitter but you still got to get to work. There's no choice but to suit your baby up and take them to space with you.
Fortunately, baby loves zero-gravity so they shouldn't mind it too much. Plus, this shuttle has a monitor to keep them entertained. Everyone wins.
Baby Takes the Wheel

It's never to early to start teaching your kid to drive. Just give them a booster seat and maybe some stilts to reach the gas pedal. babies love driving. Trust us!
After all, why should you be stuck doing all the driving? It's not like you are getting paid to be a chauffeur for some lazy baby. It's time for them to pull their own weight around. Just saying.
On Hoth

Just a father and his kid trekking through Hoth in front of an AT-AT. Nothing to see here. Hopefully, they can avoid the stormtroopers or they may be toast.
Let's hope they can avoid the wampas in the area too. Perhaps, they should have taken a tauntaun. Okay, you get - we got Star Wars references here.
Okay, Maybe He's Getting Carried Away

One day you are just walking on the beach and then you're kid gets picked up by a seagull. It's not what you expected but it happens. dad will catch the baby eventually.
We're kidding, of course. Birds aren't real.
Drink Up

After a long day, sometimes you just have to grab a bottle with the baby. And drink up fast so it gets straight to your head. Your baby will be sleeping in no time.
It's always nice to see a father and their child sitting down and spending time together. Moments like these really don't happen all the time.
Lending a hand

it's always good when your kids can lend a hand. Get them to hold the furniture up while you sweep and have the baby check under the couch for dust. There's no reason your kids can't help around the house.
Again, we're kidding, of course. There's nothing safe about this. That stuff at dad's feet - he could totally trip on that stuff.
Baby for Sale

There's no denying children can be expensive, so you have to get creative and figure out ways to make some extra cash to support them, even if that means selling the bay itself.
Get your other kids involved and you are sure to teach them the most valuable lessons of capitalism.
Hanging Out to Dry

Kids can get messy in more ways than one. Keeping them clean is essential and after washing them you should always let them hang out to dry.
It's also a good, and possibly the only way to get them to sit still for a while. It's like flying. They'll love it.
Hanging Out

It's impossible to keep track of what your kids are doing every second of the day unless you guys are hanging out together. When it's a beautiful day, it's nice to just look outside and smell the fresh air.
Oh, wait, something is wrong looks quite cloudy out actually. But at least they are getting some fresh air.
Family-Friendly Activities

Sometimes it can be hard to figure out just what you should do with your kids. Going to the zoo is always an excellent option because kids love animals.
Just be sure to follow the rules of the zoo and everyone should be safe. However, dad is clearly ignoring the rules by taking an Instagram photo. We're pretty sure you need that T-Rex to sign a consent form before releasing a photo like this.

When you have the urge to do some sweet tricks but have no babysitter - the choice is clear. There's no reason you can't land that kick-flip with a baby in hand!
Sure, it's not the safest idea but skateboarding isn't about safety, it's about living EXTREME. YOur baby will love it. Source: Dude, trust me.
Tight Rope

We can't say it enough. Doing things with your kids is important. Walking the tight rope is a great activity to do with your family because it really elevates the stakes that much higher. I mean it's this or mountain climbing really, so I mean, you gotta pick one.
At least your kid learns how to balance. You know what they say: sometimes you gotta run before you can walk. Well, sometimes you gotta walk the tight-rope before you run or walk. Okay, so maybe nobody says that, but they could - if they wanted to.
The Final Frontier

You haven't really done anything with your kids until you've been beamed up into a spaceship. It may be your first and last adventure, but how often do you get to go to space in a ship full of weird-looking humanoids? Probably not often unless you are traveling with Jeff Bezos.
We don't know about you, but exploring the unknown with family and gaining new experiences is certainly a reward. Especially if you can fake them and put them on Instagram for them sweet likes and followers.