A Disco Bowl
The Bond Villain Chair
Table Steaks

u/StaleAssignment: "I bet this is expensive."
u/1VentiCholoroform: "Yeah I mean cuts of meat like that have to be at least 15 bucks a pound even on sale."
A Fab-poo-lous Addition
Stranger Jeans

"I can just picture the thing slowly closing on someone like a Venus fly trap." —u/SupaKoopa714
Roses That Smell Like Poo Poo Poo
The Golden Throne

"After all that work they couldn't find anything better than a standard plastic seat cover?" —u/thebayallday
A Conversation Piece
Snakes on a Pane

"Oh thank God! Felt like I was gonna sleep way too soundly tonight." —@pleasehatethesethings
The Elephant in the Room

"Before you get hung up on the elephant, let your mind wander to what kind of activities require a fully tiled bedroom." —@pleasehatethesethings
Leather Kitchen Cabinets
This Sturdy Side Table
A Portrait of George Costanza
The Chair Force

"Whenever you sit down you have to thank it for its service." —u/ChoccyBoozer | "He was in the chair force." —u/BastardOutofChicago
Vinyl Flooring
A Secret Garden
7 ft. Standing Woman Lamp, Helmets and Beads Included
A Hairy Situation
Friends, Family, Farts
Shrimp-kabobs, Shrimp Creole, Shrimp Gumbo. Pan-fried, Deep-fried, Stir-fried...
A Mar-sink-i
A Comfy Nest

"The Bird’s Nest bed is the perfect solution for people who have a beautiful amount of space and want to absolutely ruin it with their horrible taste." —@pleasehatethesethings
A Piano in the Kitchen
Sleeping Buddies
A Couch Under the Sea

"Damn how many years they wait to make that Moana sequel?" —@pleasehatethesethings
The World's Smallest Door

If you're paranoid people can see in from your peephole, this might actually be a great idea for you.
The Floor is Lava Game: Bathroom Edition
Baby Plants

"I’m sharing this in the hopes that it ruins your day as much as it ruined mine." —@pleasehatethesethings
A Bache-fur Pad
Purr-kins and Gourds

"Why does the left one's tail remind me of that guy with the world's longest fingernails?" —u/ecn_ln
The Writing's on the Wall
A Modern-Day Bidet

"I am actually speechless. I mean in what scenario is this required???? Fraternity rush week? And what does one store in that prison locker built in? #somanyquestionsunanswered" —@pleasehatethesethings
A Wooden Fridge

"Diet tip: turn your fridge into a splinter mine field to prevent late night snacking." —@pleasehatethesethings
The Bat Cave
A Farm-Fresh Kitchen

"Missed a solid opportunity to smear some faux manure finish on those tiles, if you ask me." —@pleasehatethesethings
DIY Cabinets
A See-Through Toilet
The Lone Star Home
Hidden Compartments
Custom Handmade Chevy Truck Baby Bed
A Shower Buddy
Whatever This Is, Pt. 2
Fun With Taxidermy

I'm gonna take my fox to the Old Town Road, I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more...
The Stuff Nightmares Are Made Of
Fart, Poop, Pee
A Louis Vuitton Knockoff
A Venus Faucet Trap

"I feel the need to tell the world REGULAR FAUCETS ARE OK." —@pleasehatethesethings
Mismatched Entryway Decor

"It's like someone said 'Honey, we need to display this dresser from your great-great aunt and uncle. How can we incorporate that need into our home?' Bingo! Store window in the entryway, but without the glass!" —@coffeeandmarble
A Centerpiece
Shape-Shifting Countertops
A Piece of 'Merica
An Indoor Kiddy Pool...In a Golf Course

"Pretty sure I feel a staph infection coming on just looking at this photo. ??" —@pleasehatethesethings
A Recycled Washing Machine

"Imagine how dope it would be if there were fish that would clean your clothes." —u/SunsetJellyfish
A Fancy Sleeping Bag

"Survival gutted camel training dummy or just a really weird sleeping bag. I am not sure." —u/ReaganAbe
A Han Solo Light Switch
A Portrait of Your Pooch
DIY Baseboards
Only the Toes Knows
"Um...yea...I’ll take the couch. Or a cot. Or a splintery bed of pallets. Actually just anything that’s not this, thx" —@pleasehatethesethings