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15 Relationship Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Marriage

If you’re lucky enough to have found someone you love and are compatible with, don't let it slip away. Being aware of issues that might end things will help you do better at avoiding disaster. Here are 15 relationship mistakes that can end your marriage!

Not Having Your Partner's Back

Not Having Your Partner's Back

If there is an issue involving others in which you disagree with your spouse's action or point of view, don't acknowledge your disagreement in public. It’s important for your spouse to see that you’re willing to stand behind them. 

Not Resolving Parenting Disagreements

Not Resolving Parenting Disagreements

Parents are desperate to make the correct decisions regarding children. If you disagree about something, you may need to seek help from an outside source. Therapists can be great in these situations, especially if the issue is a big one.

Making Financial Decisions Without Telling Your Spouse

Making Financial Decisions Without Telling Your Spouse

Spending a small amount of personal cash is fine, but it’s best to make big financial decisions together. Paying for mortgages, car payments, and insurance is stressful enough before you realize your spouse is making decisions without consulting you.

Hiding Financial Troubles

Hiding Financial Troubles

If you ran up a credit card or neglected to make payments on something, you need to tell your spouse as soon as possible. Your significant other can help you figure out a solution and will be more willing to forgive you if you admit your mistake. 

Withholding Intimacy

Withholding Intimacy

You got married to be physically and emotionally close with someone. If you deny your spouse intimacy, you’re hurting both of you. If you don't want to be intimate in either way, you need to figure out why and work through it.

Not Pulling Your Weight

Not Pulling Your Weight

If one spouse bears more of the responsibilities of life than the other, he or she will eventually become resentful. When you become a couple you have to share the workload, and that includes paychecks and chores. 

Failing to Admit When You're Wrong

Failing to Admit When You're Wrong

Admitting when you’re wrong reassures your spouse that you are looking out for their best interest. Be honest with them, and say you're sorry when necessary.

Not Helping Yourself

Not Helping Yourself

It takes commitment to overcome big problems like mental illness or addiction. If you don't take the steps necessary to help yourself, your spouse will likely leave you. Love can only get you so far. 

Not Addressing Problems Right Away

Not Addressing Problems Right Away

The time to address a problem in your marriage is as soon as you notice it. If you put issues on the back burner for too long, they will build up. Waiting could result in one partner wanting counseling while the other has already given up.



If your cheat on your spouse there is a good possibility that your marriage will end. Some partnerships can work through this, but for many people it’s an automatic deal breaker.

Lack of Forgiveness

Lack of Forgiveness

If you both have made the decision to let something go and stay together, the only way to progress is to forgive. Constantly reminding your spouse of what they did and "making them pay for it" will just build resentment.

Taking Your Spouse for Granted

Taking Your Spouse for Granted

Some people make the mistake of assuming their spouse will always be there for them. Hopefully they will, but if they have been ignored or disregarded for a long time, it may be too late to save your marriage.

Not Investing in Your Relationship

Not Investing in Your Relationship

You have to spend time with your spouse. If you don’t build memories of good times, there won’t be anything to keep you going during the bad times.

Not Building Your Partner Up

Not Building Your Partner Up

You obviously think that your spouse is great or you wouldn’t have married them. So, don't be that person who calls their spouse their "old man," "old lady," or “ball and chain.” It’s demeaning and devalues your significant other. Instead, be their cheerleader! 

Leading Completely Separate Lives

Leading Completely Separate Lives

While it is important to have a life outside of your partner, it can be just as dangerous if you’re rarely together. There is a reason the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" came about.